000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 The Bee: Danville, Tuesday, April 8, 1941 Three NEW WAR LESSENS DANGER OF U.S. INVOLVEMENT Services Held For Mrs. Julia Parker Funeral were held yesterafternoon Mrs. Julia K. Parker services, from the home of her daughter, Mrs day F.
Hargrove, 1322 Myrtle ay avenue, by Rev. C. E. Johnson and P. Ricketts.
Burial followed in Mountain View cemetery. Pallbearers were Parker. Irvin Parker, Parker, WIlle Hargrove, Floyd Patterson, 'Howard Yeatts, Lee Yeatts, Garland Yeatts and Vert Woodson. Flower bearers were Miss May ParHattie Waller, Miss Bertha Baysinger, Miss Jettie Jefferson, Miss Mary Woodson, Miss Edith Yeatts, Alma Hargrove, Tayor, Gladys Patterson, Velna and Elizabeth Parker. Services Are Held For Mrs.
Craddock (Special to The Bee) CHATHAM, April servIces were held for Mrs. Lucy Hodnett Craddock from the of her daughter, Mrs. J. K. Motley, near Whittles, yesterday by Elder J.
F. Stegall. Burial followed the famIly burial ground. Mrs. Craddock.
74, died after a long Illness on Sunday at the home of her daughter. Pallbearers were Earl Motley, Harvey Bennett, Walter Payne, Russell Keatts, Ernest Craddock and Irvin Craddock. RUPTURE Shield Expert Here Again E. J. MEINHARDI, widely known Expert of Chicago, will personally be In Danville, at the Danville Hotel, on Friday and Saturday, April 11th and 12th, from 1 to 4 P.
M. and 6 P. M. to 8 P. M.
daily. He will also be in Roanoke, at the Patrick Henry Hotel, Wednesday and Thursday, April 9th and 10th, same hours as above. MR. MEINHARDI says: The Meinhardi Shield is a tremendous 1m- provement-well known for producing immediate results. It prevents the Rupture from protruding in 10 days on the average regardless of size or location of Rupture and no matter how hard work or strain.
It has no leg straps or cumbersome arrangements. (No Surgery or Injection Treatments used.) Mr. Meinhardi has been coming here for 15 years. Caution: If neglected Rupture may cause weakness. backache, constipation.
nervousness. stomach pains, or sudden death from strangulation. Men having large Ruptures which have returned after Surgical Operations or Injection Treatments are also invited. When all others fall -see MEINHARDI. He will be pleased to demonstrate to you privately without charge.
(Only men invited.) White only. -adv. "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE I SWICEGOODI FUNERAL TOME PHONE 2060 DANVILLE.VA. Buy Piedmont Interior Satin Gloss Paint AT PURDUM'S 204 MAIN ST. PHONE 201 We Deliver Promptly THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD PINT $110 QUART $204 windle MA SHE IS 4 YEARS OLD Gibsons AN A BOURBON as an fine Gilsond STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 90 proof.
Gibson Distilling Co. New York, N. EXPECTED TO EASE GERMAN SEA BLOCKADE George Thinks Development May Retard Demand For U. S. Convoys WASHINGTON.
April (P): Chairman George (D-Ga) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said today that establishment of Balkan front in the European war ease Nazi -blockwould. against Great Britain and duce to some extent the chances that the United States might! become more deeply involved the conflict. While said it remained to be seen whether Greece and Yugoslavia could halt the German invaston long enough to establish solid front, he declared that Nazi concentration of airpower there seemed sure to be reflected in a lessening of raids on shipping around the British isles. This in turn, he told reporters. appeared likely to retard the demand both in and out of congress for the convoying, by shipments American to Britain.
naval George units has contended that the Institution of such convoys would be almost certain to involve this country in naval warfare. Furthermore, George said he doubted that President Roosevelt was giving Any consideration to convoys at this time and Senator Norris (Ind agreed. Norris said that while there had been a great deal of talk about convoys "there is no evidence that the President is going to do it, so I don't see any reason to worry about it." He said he WAS opposed to convoys 1f they could be avoided. The convoy question was raised in resolution by Senator (R- NH) which would put congress on record against such method of Atlantic transport. This resolution was scheduled for consideration by Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday, but George said action would have to be delayed because so many members were absent from the city, The foreign relations chairman reiterated his expressed belief that Mr.
Roosevelt would not order American vessels into European combat zones without rirst consulting congress. "I don't think that by any possible stretch of the imagination the navy could be ordered to convoy belligerent merchant ships into the danger zones without the consent of congress," he declared. "That would be engaging in limited form of naval warfare and I feel confident that no effort will be made to do it without first coming to congress." TWO BORDER CITIES STAGE BLACKOUT El Paso and Juarez Darkened As Mock Air Raid Is Staged During Maneuvers EL PASO, April sirens on either side of the Rio Grande darkened El Paso and neighboring Juarez last night in the first blackout test involving western hemsphere border cities. Two thousand personsamong dignitaries hundred, honor guests--participated in the climaxing feature of Army Day observance throughout Texas. The 15-minute blackout, accompanted by a mock air raid, extended also to nearby Las Cruces, N.
and to Ysleta and Fabens, Tex. Jaurez took part to emphasize growing U.S.Mexico solidarity, Planes of the army's 120th tion squadron station at Fort Bliss's Biggs Field roared over the area dronping flares to simulate a night attack Stabbing fingers of light from giant anti-aircraft batteries however, quickly picked out the high-flying craft. leading army officials to describe the test as highly successful. The blackout came at the end of festivities which included review of 20,000 motorized cavalry and antiaircraft units at Fort Bliss. Elsewhere in Texas the army went on parade with nine march at San Antonio; review of more than 19,000 soldiers at Camp Bowie, Brownwood; parade before 25.000 at Camp Barkley.
Abilene; field maneuvers at Camp Hulen near Palacios; public inspection of sprawling Camp Wolters, mineral wells, and Texas cavalrymen showing their strength at Laredo. The blackout halted trame between EL PASO and Jaurez since all international bridges were closed, but the darkness failed to cramp the style of Mexico's historic play spot across the Rio Grande. The rhumba bands didn't miss a beat. Easter Monday to Be Taken Here as Business Holiday With closing hours during the week remaining unchanged. H.
E. Spessard, secretary of the Retail Merchants Association, announced last night that Easter Monday will be celebrated here AS A business holiday. In speaking for the organization, Mr Spessard requested that all merchants close their establishments far as practicable. Easter Monday is a government holiday and will be enjoyed by ernment workers not connected with the national defense program. Men have been lifted far in the air by kites.
"ANGELUS" IN CROSS-STITCH 717 Give us this day Our daily bread, Every needleworker, young or old, should make one of these wall plaques, not only for joy of creating it but to keep the prayer in mind. Hot iron transfer pattern No. 717 contains motif measuring 10 by 11 1-2 inches, color The Business World Today By J. G. DONLEY By J.
G. DONLEY (Consolidated News Features) NEW YORK, April sales keeping in step with the faster tempo of the general retailing parade. Retail food sales in recent weeks have shown gains of 12 to 13 per cent over like periods year ago. A relatively small rise in prices accounts for part of this gain, but more important is the steady rise in consumer incomes. with many families now getting weekly pay envelopes in place of a subsistence level of living on relief projects.
This larger and spreading purchasing power has brought about shift in the demand to the intermediate and better-grade foods. Factory payrolls are reported to be rising more rapidly than employment, with many producers increasing working time, and paying overtime wages. which are 50 per cent above the regular rate, in order to make more pression on heavy order backlogs. Food accounts for about -third of the working family's cost of living. but food distributors figure that when workers' incomes are on the increase about 20 per cent of the increased income goes for more and better food.
It is estimated that men in the army eat about twice as much meat as when they are following their ordinary civilian occupations. The proportion of canned consumption is also higher in army camps. Men are being added to the armed forces at the rate of nearly 200.000 a month, with the February total estimated at 1.150.000, including members of the national guard inducted into regular service. The latest daily food budget of the army is estimated at $750,000, making this branch of the service a leading food buyer, second in importance to 1 a large grocery chain. Such purchases, of course, represent only a fraction of the nation's total food bill, but they have substantially reduced supplies of canned goods, according to recent survey by Dun Bradstreet.
And that is part of the reason why number of canned food packers have withdrawn their prices on new-crop packs. Packers are worried AS to whether they will be able to obtain enough labor in competition with higher paying defense jobs. At the same time they feel that the whole story of purchases for aid -toBritain has not yet been told. The potential total of such takings seems likely to rise with the increasing loss of cargoes and bombing damage to food warehouses. Meanwhile, fillip seems likely to be given to food prices all around by the government's announced intention so to direct its surplus food buying.
in the cause of British aid, as to raise prices of hogs and dairy products to certain "pegged" levels. The Idea, it is said. 18 to stimulate production so as to assure ample supplies for this country. Great Britain and other tions fighting the totalitarian powers. The latest cost-of-living compilation of the conference board.
for February. showed food prices 1.3 per cent higher the year. and 29 per cent above the March, 1933. low point, but 24.6 per cent below the February, 1929, level. The latest.
Dun Bradstreet survey ForGOOD SHOE REPAIRING CATS PAW RUBBER HEELS GOOD SHINES All Soles Sewed or Cemented On Goodyear Shoe Shop 111 N. Union st. Phone 1252 Most Convenient Shop in City Daniel Dodd. Prop. CONTROL OF IMPORTS IS CONSIDERED Such Action May Be Next Step in U.
S. Economic Defense Program By IRVING PERLMETER WASHINGTON, April placed officials said today creation of a system of import control might constitute the next step in the government's rapidly expanding economic defense program. Under this system government control agency would be authorized to determine what foreign merchandise should be admitted to the United States and what should be excluded. However, the plan was regarded as so drastic, since it might exclude such items as Japanese silk, that the officials were unwilling to predict when, if at all, it might be instituted. So far, they explained, it is merely in the discussion stage.
"Economic name officials give to any sort of economic action to help the United States and the British Allies and to impede the effort of the Axis powers -is growing SO fast that many advisers are reported to have urged President Roosevelt to set up a special unit to COordinate the numerous activities. Principal evidences of the program to date have been the "freezing" of $4,500,000,000 worth of assets held in this country by 13 European nations which have come under the domination of either the Axis powers or Russia; institution of suits to break up alleged German influence in patent monopolies on articles vital to the national defense, particularly magnesium and optical instruments; setting up of export controls which restrict the shipment of scrap iron, aviation gasoline and hundreds of other items: Export-Import Bank loans to Argentina and other Latin American countries to facilitate their cooperation with both the United States and Great Britain. The recent seizure of 69 German, Italian and Danish ships in American ports also is considered in official circles to fit into the economic defense picture, although the vesseis actually were put under coast guard custody because of attempted or suspected sabotage. What officials call "preclusive buying" of strategic war materials to prevent their purchase by Axis agents has been advocated as another economic move. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation already is making large purchases in Latin America and the Far East, but has not classified these as "preclusive buying." althougn some of the deals may have the same effect.
Import controls appeared to be the only major new development being We, The Women TREAT YOUR SERVANT AS YOUR HUBBY TREATS HIS SECRETARY By RUTH MILLETT Can you say all this about your own home, men? Try it, and see: Home is where I can read the evening paper sitting in a comfortable chair under good light with a handy ash tray--and without interruption. Home is where there is always a snack in the ice box. Home is where what I told the boss is looked on as one of the great speeches of all time. Home is where I can get into comfortable clothes and usually into comfortable frame of mind at the same time. Home is where I can house any kind of hobby that appeals to to me at the moment.
Home is where there is a davenport in the living room long enough to out while I listen to my favorite ball team taking a beating. Home is where I'm not likely to find my in-laws when I come home from work. Home is where the book I am reading is left beside my chair until I've finished it. Home is where nothing is said if I'm A a few minutes late at night. DON'T GRUMBLE IF YOU CAN ANSWER YES Home is where I'd rather be, on most evenings, than anywhere else- discussed by officials in connection with the "economic defense" program.
They predicted, however, intensification of the steps already taken. Thus, for instance, some officials particularly in the treasury, are understood to want to expand the "freezing" technique to the Americanheld assets of every country on earta. This, they argue, might prevent the use of some Axis funds for propaganda and espionage in the Western Hemisphere by restricting not only the funds of Axis nations but of other nations which might be blinds for Axis activities. Formaldehyde, itself an antiseptic, becomes a drug with healing properties when mixed with ammonia and other compounds, WHOSE HAM FOR EASTER? THE RIDE ALL COACH NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS via ATLANTA and BIRMINGHAM COACH FARES LOW Daily Fast Schedules NORTHBOUND Coach Fare Lv. Danville 4:48 AM.
ET 1.00 ET OneAr. Lynchburg 6:03 ET 3.60 AM. Ar. Washington 9:40 AM. ET 8.10 1:50 PM.
Ar. New York SOUTHBOUND Le. Danville 1:32 AM, ET 2.15 ET Ar. Charlotte 4:21 AM. ET 3.80 Greenville 6:40 AM.
6.05 Ar. 9:45 AM. ET Atlanta PM. CT 8.60 Ar. Birmingham 12:55 Ar.
8:15 PM. CT 13.40 Ar. New Orleans Reductions in in proportionately low. no extra charge. 'Phone trip Fares to fares.
other Seats points reserved information and reservations. 8418 for SOUTHERN SYSTEM RAILWAY Rites to Be Today For Miss Robertson At Her Late Home if not in the world-at least in my, town. Home is where there isn't any fuss made if I ignore my and drink three cups of black coffee. Home is where none of the furniture 18 too good to use. Home is where I can think for a few hours each day that I'm a pretty important guy.
You men who agree that that's what homieh ought not to grumble tonight the little woman gests going to the corner movie. You've got a good thing--and don't forget it. Services will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the late residence for Miss Betty Robertson. 75, who died Sunday following declining health for last year. The daughter of the late William and Lizzie Owen Robertson.
Miss Robertson was native of Toshes and had lived in Danville for the last 30 years. She was a member of Motfett Memorial Church, Surviving are two brothers. George Robertson and Criss Robertson, both of Danville: and four sisters, Miss Maude Robertson. Miss Agnes Robertson and Miss Eliza Robertson, all of Danville, and Mrs. George Riddle of Gretna.
Approximately one-half of the people in the United States attend movie at least once a month. 9 CENTS PER DAY Will Perpetually Protect and Beautify the Exterior of the Average Home With PURDUM'S PIEDMONT PAINT (This Includes Both Material and Labor) Drop in today and let us show you how easy it is to keep your home beautiful. W. R. PURDUM SON CO.
204 MAIN ST. PHONE 201 suggestions and complete instructions. To order pattern: Write. or send above picture, with 10 cents in coin or stamps, to Needlework Bureau, The Bee, 220 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.
of the grocery trade points out that dollar sales of retail groceries during 1940 showed a 4 to 5 per cent increase over 1939. Total food consumption on tonnage basis actually reached a new high last year but the relatively low price levels prevented dollar sales volume from fully reflecting the peak tonnage. Wholesale food sales in 1940 were the largest in ten years on a dollar basis, and so far in 1941 have run 6 to 12 per cent above last year. "Net profits of food companies for 1940," says the survey, "were slightly above the 1939 level which marked the high for recent years. Some major food companies suffered profit declines during the first nine months of 1940, although their sales reached record high levels.
During the fourth quarter earnings improved and showed gains which were repeated in the first quarter of 1941." Services Today For Miss Clark Last rites for Miss Mary Ida Clark of Ringgold. who died at the home of Mrs. B. M. Jeffress and Miss Doris Clark, nieces, on Jefferson Street yesterday morning.
will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the home at Ringgold. Burial will follow in the family burial ground. Miss Clark, the daughter of the late William E. Clark and Mrs. Narcissa Jane Dodson Clark, died suddenly while on visit to Danville.
She was born in Ringgold and had spent practically her entire life there. She 15 survived by two brothers Henry J. Clark of Ringgold and Fred S. Clark of Glenwood, and two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Kiser and Mrs.
Loula Lindsey. both of Ringgold. Rites Conducted For J. R. Norris Rites were held yesterday afternoon for John Robert Norris from the home on Monument street by Rev.
James A. Johnson and Rev. Jesse R. Hite. Burial was in Mountain View cemetery.
Pallbearers were Clarence Henderson, Stanley Adkins, Herman Stapels, W. R. Hudgins, George Hudgins, J. A. Weaver, John W.
Jennings and B. Haley. The flower bearers were Mrs. telle Henderson, Mrs. Nannie Williamson, Gladys Adkins, Mrs W.
R. Hudgins, Mrs. Sadie Hicks, Mrs J. A. Weaver, Mrs.
Gladys Austin, Miss Grace Ricketts, Miss Margaret Yeatta and Miss Mattie Price. TELEKI MEMORIAL SERVICE BUDAPEST. April services for the late Premier Count Pal Telekt were held today morning session of parliament. Morning papers reported without comment that the British government had severed relations with Hungary. Argentina is expected to have 000,000 bushels of wheat for export In 1941.
"TERRIBLE TERRY TERMITE' SAYS: AM I MORTIFIED They that Done TERMINI PROTECTS YOUR HOME AGAINST TERMITES Terminix, the world's largest termite control organization, now protects over 60,000 structures throughout the country from termite attack. Let akilled Terminis Inspector check your property carefully for termite infeatation. they're there, we'll show you they're not we'll tell you." No cost or obligation. J. W.
1 LARGE WINESAP Lbs. SOUTHERNER AR 000000 FOR ECONOMY plus LUXURY THE SOUTHERNER marvel at the low costso much beauty, much comfort so much pleasRIDE ure. Here is the biggest value in travel! Noise and dirt have been eliminated. This Diesel- Diesel-Electric-powered Streamliner is completely air-conditioned. You cruise swiftly and smoothly in luxurious comfort on soft-cushioned seats- adjustable for perfect relaxation.
Interiors are exquisitely appointed and furnished in soft tones of blues, greens, golds and beige. Modernistic Tavern Car. Observation Lounge. Car popular-priced meals. Hostess, train Passenger Representative.
See how little it costs to ride this great Streamliner. Here's an experience you must not miss! FRANK L. JENKINS, PASSENGER TRAFFIC MANAGER, WASHINGTON, D.C. SOUP.