a a a a THE KANSAS CITY STAR. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1923. 17 Te- Gray by Charteris Simpson COPYRIGHT 1922 by THE JAMES A PI CANN CO Fran Goddard liked the dark. Even the dull, unemotional face of the bush had become dread of kinder the in brazen sight because of her shrinking light of the tropical sun.
And as she looked up and down the sullen river that, night and day, was in such feverish haste to reach the sea, the corners of her sensitive mouth twitched, and a quick, eager look came into her eyes. Almost immediately, however, the eagerness died out and something that was akin to hopeless resignation took its place. She left the rail with gesture of impatience with herself and began pacing the deck, clenching her hands into small knots of almost vicious determination. Then she heard the launch coming back, and she was standing at the head of the companion, ladder when the Great Dane stepped on deck with Noni. "What's wrong? What's she been doing? Has a little rumpus on the hulk," said patiently, though he had hoped to avoid necessity Parker, explanations.
"Miss Jardine is in no danger." "Oh, thanks. That's all right, then. I had a vision of another murder." Parker laughed to save himself the inconvenience of further conversation and led Noni off toward the "NO, No," PARKER REPROVED GENTLY, AND QUICKLY CAUGHT HER ARM. the girl was not happy. But Fran thought.
So long as no one had library. Obviously scarcely gave her a murdered, there was no cause for alarm. been Dane, unfortunately, of the same The Great particularly after he discovered that, even Noni was no inclined to opinion, with Bark's assistance, the Bonny than she had been on be informative on how it happened that she had the hulk. When he asked her arrived so opportunely to take part in the fight, when everyone else save the watchboys were asleep, she answered simply enough: "I 'wake. I no fit to sleep.
I hear fight palaver I cut head when he go cut Krooand I go dere. boy. He fall down. Pholler one, two, three time and all man go 'way, Dat's all." she could not sleep, nor how She did not why find a machete 60 ready to her hand, she happened to did she mention the name of Agwala. not from bringing mention of the and once Parker also refrained into the discussion, and, when chief of Agwalatown inspect the shrouded body in he had invited Bark to the launch, Arthur also to be equally at a loss the deceased's identity, simple obsequies were performed and, Whereupon, placed Noni in safe custody till the morning, having Dane whispered an extra word warning the Great the watch, then crossed the deck to to the officer of small, sleepless figure was curled in a where Fran's huge you'd better go back to bed?" he Madeira chair.
"Don't you think suggested in a low voice. over?" "I suppose so. Is the, excitement all "Every bit of it." that you dropped into the water from "What was the launch a little while ago?" hesitated. "You have quick ears," he adParker mitted grudgingly. "I thought you had gone to sleep in the chair." did get killed then? A native?" "Somebody "And a Kroo watchboy," Parker added there is no need to keep awake all night ly.
on that account." at a mosquito and uncurled herself Fran slapped chair. Parker found her standing rather out of the him, looking intently up into his face. near to "You're decent sort," she said distinctly, after an unconscionably long time. "And Cath's the squarest I know. But I hope you'll have sense enough woman to give her hell from the start." Parker gasped and drew back a step.
"What on earthdon't be an ass," impatiently, and without the "Oh, display of isn't half the snob least she pretends to does need a hiding every and then, and I think you'd make a good master now of ceremonies." Then Parker grinned, and thereby rose to the occasion. "Thanks. I'll remember that. You--you're a queer little beggar." Fran's mouth tightened, but her eyes did not acreject the doubtful compliment. She moved cept or slowly backward toward her sleeping quarters.
"All wrong. I'm not a bit queer. It's you and Cath the rest of you who are such funny fools. You and so much time in pretense, you haven't any left spend real thing. The way you play at it, life isn't for the an etching.
It's a left him without even the formality of a retired to his camp bed just aft of the "good night." Parker stroking his chin in some confusion. And bridge, the things he did not think about at all was among the circ*mstance that the "queer little beggar" soundlessly crying her tired and shaking little body to sleep. could not remember when she had done it Fran before. CHAPTER OF CLOTH, The following day was Sunday. But this did not restrain Parker from requesting the presence of Ag.
wala at the "conference" on the Bonny. When Bark returned from Agwalatown, however, his report was to the effect that the ponderous chief had gone to Siluko and would not return till Tues- day. The interval was filled sergely with speculation. Hogmanay and Parker held brief and somewhat staccato conversations on the subject, after numerous in. significant appearing natives had made secret refor hours on end and ports to them both.
Catherine watched the river kept out of the sun as much 88 said very little. Fran the least ostentatious about possible without being in sinister atit. Elsie, quieted somewhat vague surround every one and mosphere that seemed to amenable to the everything, became more and more protecting arms of Tommy Dillingworth. discreet and fear. preserved a regarded Arthur Garriman Bark's ful silence and kind of hopelessness that occauniform with a dull expressed itself in a savage, feline fury.
Arfrom her as possible. He sionally far away gave thur kept as that he was gingerly walking on the impression chill between his shouland that he had a perpetual der blades. And the dull, dead green of the endless all. Neither did it invite investigation. nothing at Calm, unchanging, implacable, it and it answered none.
Behind the curtain of its silence anything might and nothing be revealed. Life seethed and exist slithered and groped within its darkscurried and ened walls; life that fed ravenously on life, eternally the destroying curse that lay upon the land. voicing arrived at the yacht on Tuesday afternoon. had come down from Sapeli in the mornMalkeet and Hogmanay, the moment he saw Agwala's ing, canoe a heading for the Bonny, made it his business to invite himself to tiffin. Margaret was already there, both officially and unofficially, together with the two, watchboys who had played a part in defense hulk.
appearance was bloated. His eyes stared Agwala's little, and the shiny polish had departed from his a skin. Apparently he had heard nothing of the attack until his return from Siluko that upon morning. From the Great Dane's standpoint, the "conference" was nothing more than an impressive arranged for the principal purpose of bringing Noni and Agwala face to face. He knew that both of them were lying and that Arthur Garriman Bark was playing ducks and drakes with his duty to the government because of a perfectly natural fear of Agwala's long and vengeful arm.
Parker knew, also, that direct evidence against Agwala, upon any count whatsoever, was listed among the things generally believed to be beyond the limits of possibility. Margaret, the two watchboys, Catherine and Hogwere in little library when brought in by Malkett, and Margaret particular had a good view of the girl's face as she confronted Agwala. "Doh," Noni said simply, and, without even a hint of the terror that gripped her so tenaclously, she descended upon one knee before her huge relative and made obeisance in the customary native fashion. "Doh," Agwala returned, and his expression was a round and complaisant mask. And that was all.
Margaret looked at Nont in staring unbelief. A flat and deadly sense of disappointment fell upon the little group of watchers, and the investigation proceeded thereafter with a decided limp, growing more and more uninteresting moment. Suddenly, in the MEdevery an apparently wholesouled effort on the part of Agwala to assist the government by attempting to worm the real truth out of Noni, one of the screen doors was impolitely thrown open by Elsie, who exclaimed excitedly to Catherine: "He's come back! He's coming here!" At once, as if the air had been suddenly electrified, the whole atmosphere changed. Even the Great Dane almost forgot his provincial commissionership at the urge of an impulse to rush out on deck to verify Elsie's announcement. No one asked who it was that had come back.
Catherine rose, trying to suppress her eagerness, and Hogmanay, with a heavy nod to Parker, followed her. Agwala looked a little puzzled. He did not know, with any certainty, what the excitement was about, but he was obviously not nearly so sure of himself in the succeeding minute or 80. He resumed his droning interrogation of however, with a commendable assumption of indifference, until Parker said shortly: "All right. Wait.
Maybe gray man make her talk 11'1 bit besser." Agwala's eyes rolled. For a space he looked very sick and Noni seemed to huddle into her overcloth and edged, inch by inch, instinctively nearer to Margaret. "Gray man come," Parker insisted casually, and rose. "We go talk to him." "Cha?" "It's all right," soothingly. "This time he no flog you.
Gov'ment live. Gov'ment no' like flog palaver. Come." The mountain of Agwala's flesh shivered. When he glanced sharply in Noni's direction, neither Margaret nor Malkett had any further doubt about his true attitude the girl. And Noni, with A quick, indrawn breath, backed quickly and subconsciously away from the glint in his eyes, and literally placed herself, without being aware of it, under the beneficent guardianship of the law's right hand.
Malkeet allowed his hand to rest lightly upon her shoulder and looked directly at Agwala when he did it There was no mistaking that look and Agwala did not misinterpret it. He passed out on deck in Parker's wake with all the sensations of one who feels the earth beginning to rock under big feet. Tommy Dillingham had been the first to see Char. teris ambling casually past the hulk in his onewoman canoe, as if he were on his way to Grandison's beach. But the canoe's nose had turned in the direction of the yacht, it became evident that there was something bulky lying in the bottom of it.
All along the Bonny's rail eager faces, both white and black, saw him run alongside the companion ladder, and it is doubtful if any two of spectators regarded his return in the same light. Elsie was frankly exuberant and Tommy Dilling. worth correspondingly unenthuslastic. Catherine's mouth to be a firm and seemingly uncom. promising line and Margaret was conscious of a decided sense of friendliness and fratitude.
Hogmanay wore a dour look that was not inclined to forgive, very easily, the indignity Charteris had put upon him. Fran stood in the shadow of the library and did not go near the rail at all. No one gave any thought to anyone else. They were all too intent upon Charteris and, even more particularly, upon the bulky object that lay his feet. Having securely tied up the canoe, calmly removed the bundle from it.
At once, every one was certain that the object was the shrouded figure of a man. There was an inertness about that figure, too, that caused a shudder of apprehension to run along the rail. "Need any help?" Parker shouted and started down the ladder. "No, thanks. I'll manage." And with no great effort, Charteris slung his "cargo" over his shoulder and proceeded to carry it up to the Bonny's deck.
Nothing, in view of the wide-eyed whispering excitement he was creating, could have been more nonchalant than that entrance of his. It gave no suggestion of how carefully it had been studied for strictly practical purposes. saw gleaming whites of Agwala's eyes, guessed how the fat chief's fears mounted at his step, or noted dubious questioning expression on almost every face, the total visible effect of it all upon himself was nil. When he reached the deck and deposited his burden in the center of the semi-circle that naturally formed about him, he tucked his weather worn sun helmet under his arm as usual, and, for a moment or two, despite the nearness Parker and the somewhat cramped dimensions of the "stage," he was distinctly a man apart. A glinting shaft of sunlight sneaking in under the awning as the sun drooped over the outer rim of the contracting circle of the bush, touched the silvergray shock of his hair and transformed it, with a suggestion of unreality, into a rippling mass of bluewhite flame.
(Continued in The Star tomorrow morning.) BORRAH MINEVITCH Harmonica Virtuoso Reveals the amazing beauty of harmonica music in his ances at the Newman Theater Oct. 21-27. Mr. Minevitch common with all professional playonly the Hohner Harmonica, Own Your Own Hohner Wake up, fellers! Here's a lad with whole pocket orchestra! Who said this was going to be a pepless party? GET GET-TOGETHER HARMONY It's always fair weather when there's a Hohner in the house. Get yourself one and be popular.
You can learn to play it in an hour -any tune you can whistle. Ask the dealer for Hohner Free Instruction Book; if he is out of them, write Hohner, New York" for one. Hohner Harmonicas everywhere 50c up. JOHNERI LARMONICAS Why' does it thunder? -because electricity (lightning, in passing through the clouds, meets resistance which causes heat. This heat makes the air expand in violent waves which thunder against the eardrum.
Always take Purelest Aspirin Tablets to avoid that ringing in your ears which signals the comingon of a cold. Absolutely pure aspirin, tablets so skillfully made that their beneficial action begins in 15 seconds. Snow-white, highest purity, never irritate or burn. One of 200 Puretest preparetions for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and conscience can produce.
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DOWNTOWN. LIBERTY At 10, 11:10, 12:20, 2:05, 8:50, 5:45, 7:30, 9:16, We'll bet our bottom dollar that you can't guess what's going to happen next in "RED LIGHTS" Ibe Year's Greatest Mystery Play. BABY PEGGY In and AN 'Little Miss Hollywood' LIBERTY CURRENT PICTORIAL ALL ARTIST ORCHESTRA ROYAL Main 1022 St. Shows at 10, 11:50, 1:40, 3:35. 5:30.
1:20. 9:15, Miss Marshall and Orchestra, 1:15, 3:10, 7:05, SECOND FINAL ELINOR GLYN'S DAY WITH FRANK MAYO and CORINNE GRIFFITH Daya" will not be shown elsewhere in Greater Kansas City until 60 daye after close of engagement. 12TH STREET At 11, 1:50. 4:20, 6:50. 9:20.
SECOND BIG WEEK. D. W. GRIFFITH'S "The Birth of a Nation" Remarkable Includes Henry Waltball Lillian Gish. Immortal Reid.
CONTINUOUS P. M. NOW PLAYING THE BEAUTIFOL ETHEL CLAYTON IN 'CAN A WOMAN LOVE TWICE' smashing drama of a glorious woman who bad two wonderful romances, (Continued from The Star this morning.) SYNOPSIS. While vistting his Benin River trading factory, Hugh Morrison, owner of Marsden and Company. is slain on the deck of his yacht, the Bonny.
His lieutenant, Hogamnay Sandy MacGregor, has no certain who the murderer might be, but he knows Morriidea hon was about to begin a policy of trade discrimination Abado, an ambitious Sobo, at the request of against the fat native chief of the Jakri natives. Agwala, who is trying to suppress Abado. The Bonny reRiver while the investigation into mains at the slaying goes on, direoted by Daniel Dane Parker, commissioner. Suspicion points to Abado provincial as the murderer. And Auwala reports that sheltered at Grandison's Beach by Charteris, is being the mysterious "gray man who never hurries" -the with the gray hair and the boy's face- a man 171 business in the region but travels about who has no in small canoe "for the fun of it." The Morrison girls aboard the Bonny, Catherine and, Elsie, don't believe Charteris is harboring Abado, their friend Goddard, thinks Agwala spoke the truth.
On old vessel grounded in the river. Bart the Akerri, an eccentric, independent trader, maintains Jardine, an his headquarters. His daughter, Margaret, stays because she can't persuade him to sell out with him und return to England. Lately Jardine has been doing a rushing business, which puzzles MacGregor and Malkett. One night MacGregor and CathPoliceman visit Aguala to talk trade.
While they are there, crine Charteris arrives with Arthur and Rokn, a native. Bark is Parker's detective, but treacherously Agwala. This night he has shot at Abado in serving the presence of Charteris. The latter has captured him before Aguala in defiance. He him and brings face and denounces When also slaps Aguala's interferes with a gun, Charteris throws MacGregor him down and escapes.
MacGregor returns to his thoughtful. When Agwala comes to quarters rather trade with latter refuses to buy talk a native. Agwala tries to see Mar. from the arrogant garent's maid, Nont, but the latter is sorely afraid That night some of Agwala's men atof her uncle. tempt to capture Noni, but they are repulsed by the watch boys.
CHAPTER XXIV-(Continued.) NE of the watchboyg-the one who had lost -said the attacking force numbered his The other reduced the total to "pass. five," but Noni, who appeared to more about it than she cared to know a great only four and that the dead admit, said there were watchboy had wounded one of them. don't think suggested they meekly, and moved shudder. got so plenty the things that lay the deck. boy," the girl ingly away of the Kroo-boys, the from Amid the vengeful.
growling from might-prowling canoes, and babble of questions explanation of the matter, Marher father's endless to the Bonny advising Malgaret sent a messenger kett of the affair as she understood it. half an hour, the Great Dane himself In less than climbed, the gone up hulk's to Sapeli companion for a few ladder. days. Malkett, he the provincial commissioner made his The moment appearance, the Kroo-boys shuffled sullenly back to the all save the headman and the two watch-, boys Captain who had Jardine, participated after in several the fight. attempts to draw.
Parker's attention to his captaincy and to his ownerinvolved, subsided into a state of ship of the vessel indifference finally retired to his mumbling than five minutes he was sound cabin. In less Dane had made.a minute study of asleep. When the Great Noni's victim, and after he had interrogated, the and the watchboys all over again, Margaret aside briefly: andraid I'll have to deprive you of your maid." "I'm "You meanshe isn't at all culpable. But she's not "Oh, no, Margaret nodded slowly, She felt just a little saying enough." again, and now that the first flare of the "swimmy" excitement was all over, she knew that she was very afraid. Parker, however, did not realize that.
much "Do you know who he is?" she questioned, and the did not have to ask to whom she reGreat Dane ferred. "No. Just a Jakri his working clothes-" this meant a loin cloth and when your girl hit him, she must have been concentrating on the job. Do you know of any reason why these fellows happen to should have come here?" Margaret shook her head, then, all at once, stopped. "I wonder--but I suppose it couldn't sibly have any connection with that." "With what?" "Well," in a low voice, "Noni has developed a sudden and most unusual fear of Agwala.
He's her mother's brother, you know. And when he came here today and to talk to her she sneaked down into the shop beside me and used me as a sort of buffer between herself and him." "I see. And what happened?" "Nothing. Agwala went away without seeing her." "There may be something in that," Parker admitted. "But don't let me deprive you of sleep as well as a maid.
I'll see that these and he jerked his head officially removed before I go." "Oh, thanks. "No, no," Parker reproved gently, and quickly caught her arm. "Nothing like that. I'll carry you if you don't stand up." Margaret's whole weight leaned gratefully against the Great Dane's shoulder for just a moment. Then, with a truly valiant effort, she drew away and laughed.
"All right. No fainting. I'll tell Noni." As she found her way to her cabin again and rested against the door jamb and convinced the fearful, shivering Noni that she was in no immediate danger of being hanged even if she were taken to the yacht, the only thing that kept Margaret upon her feet was a kind of ritual that repeated itself over and over again. "I can't faint. I can't! Sandy thinks I'm A heroine!" And this, to Margaret, was the biggest joke in the world.
In the ladies' "dormitory" on the yacht, Elsie slept undisturbed. Catherine stirred restlessly, but did not wake up. Fran, however, was leaning upon near the companion ladder waiting for the government launch to come back. Noni's screams had spanned the breadth of the si. lent river, although by the time they had reached Marsden's beach they were rather faint and had not been heard by anyone save the watchboys.
Fran, who had not been sleeping at all heavily of late, heard them distinctly. Then the faint Jabbering of excited native tongues came out of the blackness the river, and after awhile there was a low-toned jumble of voices on the yacht's deck. The puttering launch followed, and Fran had hurriedly eled herself from the "dormitory" to try to discover what it all meant. The officer of the watch did not know. So she waited, without any thought of sleep, for the return of someone who did.
and Sun.) Eves. 30c and 60c. NEWMAN Shows at 11, 1:30. 5:45, 1:25, 9:40 Specialties 1:30. 3:45.
DAVIDSON The story by Bret Harte classic. The Play by Paul Armstrong was a huge bit. ADDED-BEN TURPIN "PITFALLS OF A BIG CITY" ALSO -TOPICS AND FABLES. Direction Jack H. Roth.
Screen Version William A. Brady's Famous Stage Success First Suburban Showing. "DRIF Mat. 2:80. Ere.
7 and 9. With MATT MOORE and WALLACE BEERY Smith at the Pipe Organ. "The Leather Pushers," with Reginald Denny Cameo Comedy -Aesop's Fables. At Matinee Only- Her Dangerous Path," Ep. 8.
SUNDAY-ALLAN DWAN'S Big, Glittering Production "LAWFUL LARCENY" With a Brilliant Cast Including CONRAD NAGLE. NITA NALDI. HOPE HAMPTON and LEW CODY Matinee 2:30 ISIS Evening, 7-9 The Irresistible MARY PICKFORD IN JEAN FAMOUS WEBSTER'S PLAY "DADDY LONG LEGS" of The An Love Orpban. Story DOROTHY MARIE LANG Juvenile Premiere Danseuse Will Appear Both Evening Performances and Saturday Matinee. COMEDY TEN NIGHTS IN A HALLROOM." FOX NEWS.
Approved by Woman's City Club. Hostess Mrs. Herbert 1 F. Jones. WARWICK 3927 Photoplays Main of Quality Shows and 9:00 7:15 A PRODUCTION GEORGE MELFORD "SALOMY LANE" 'HOMEWARD BOUND' Prospect Blood" No.
12. Rolla Comedy. Fabless "Fighting STARTING JACKIE COOGAN In "CIRCUS DAYS." On 27th Two Pictures Tonight MURRAY Just East of Benton Come Early, GLORIA SWANSON in MILTON SILLS in "STATION CONTENT" "LEGALLY DEAD" and thrills. The amazing story of a man who came back to life. A tale of tangled lore action COMEDY.
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AT MATINEE EVENING HOOT GIBSON in "SHOOTING FOR LOVE" VIOLA DANA in "A NOISE IN NEWBORO1 At 7:45 and 10 p. "EAGLE'S TALONS" Ep. 5 "Shooting For at 8:45 p. m. only THE AIR" Talons" and "Take the Air" Big Double Feature Program Offering Superb Entertainment to STRAND the Whole Family DOUGLAS" Sparkling McLEAN 86tb and Troost.
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