NINETEEN' I THE PANTAGRAPH. BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1. 1954. Farm Safety Demonstration 2nd Brood Borers AGRICULTURAL Bulletin Board fil Furn Seeds Tor Sale SEED RYE Phor.
McLean Ti-T-U RUTHS Numbers Mr una Mn Robert Lind. 1403 E- Emerge in nhvt a cirl. born Tuesday at Mennonite Hoipiul. Mr. nd Mrs.
Ralph Z. De Werff. 807 K. Evans a boy. born Saturday WANTED Combtno run timothy: bags furnished.
Balbo seed rye available. Spencer "fc ammonium mtrata. FARMER CITY GRAIN Farmer City. Mr. and I John riUReraia.
iuuj 4-H Club to Hold Tour, Feeds IUt rtOn StrmwC Insect Bulletin Reports Hoppers Causing Damage merson a girl. Dora xnaay at Joseph's Hospital. and Mrs. John B. Percy.
a boy, born Friday at San litn Hospital. He Is a son of Mr. PTIXSBVRY-S Best Basket Supper, Program FUNKS GROVE (PNS) The Feeding Program it on your live-Bay oo contract. wUl assure you a pi stock and poultry, nay when you sell. Le Boy.
TTl. Bishops Hat. win. 403 W. Saturday at Olive a Kirl.
3-F 4-H Club will have its annual project tour Tuesday, starting at Brokaw Hospital. ANNOUNCEMENTS AGRICULTURAL Domestic and Personal Service 8 Farm Equipment SO HOCSEWORK Or ear ol children; PAPEC CHOPPER With motor, corn references. and hay aUaclunenta. like new. Phone S-471 Wa have some extra food Model and actors.
l4a to 18SJ that Done in m-r home or yours: hava throuth our shop and ood reference rurnlshed men ahirtt completely recondiuoned. We five a specialty. Phone terms up to years on used as weU WILL DO BABY SITTING IN MY Jj nfL HOME. PHONE S-144 chines of other makes. See us before Jotl buy.
Inland Found 3oAl.Z BILLFOLD Ladies red. lost, money. Clbwm City. liL PTwne Ifl drivers license, library card, name -in PAXTON FARM EQLTPMtNT CO. gold.
Reward. Phone John Deere Sales and Scrrtce LOST AU mhlU Penian cat: small Phone children's pet. Please phone o-aoo roof weed mowers. See the new self or 8-TT87. propelled gear dnven model.
LOST One stupid Siamese cat: very ilIiJdAJat "SSflr Free blue eyes: female. Return to Ann Grove- and Mdison. Alcott. 1120 E. Grove or phono 1814- STRAW SHREDDERS.
Wood Rrotbers. Reward Shreds straw, weeds. stalks and brush. Several sizes. Sut Point Imple- LOST Tan and brown suitcase In merit Co.
"V' I'jmAhdre'rfo'r' WEED UOWLRS-Visd. morning July 13; name Audrey nor- ton on tag. Finder please con tact Mrs. 7fhh riRrppiy Charles Horton. Route J.
Box 636. in rAKM Ph Kenosha. Wisconsin or phone Bristol 48-F-31 Collect. Liberal reward. TRACTORS Two Super Propane gas burners, used 2M hours OQ Am- AGRICULTURAL suR-MuaTiiiieriew.
AVjrIVUU.I WIXU i85l um be completely recondi- tioned. Baby Chickg. ronltry. SappUesi 49 CASt vac Extra good. BABY CHICKS-Kltson automatic feed- M- R0CI Sm e-s and waterers.
Equipment, sup- Otjrorth.JTl. Phone 1M-R-1 plies, feeds. Rotb-Honeuer. Normal. WEED MOWER Yetter self propelled.
Hopedale. like new. 1315 X. balo last of week. About Mr.
and Mrs. William uorn 12:30 p. m. at the home of Leon and Payne. Lrxirgton.
CHAMPAIGN (UP)-All signs point to a heavy' population of Gibson. The tour will end at the WANTED Quality hay. all kind, field Mennonite Hospital. PONTIAC tPNS) Mr. and Mn.
Richard Eacret. a irl. bora Wednesday at St. James Hospital. 'Hi yv LJ (V, cr Everett Zook home with a basket supper at 6 p.
m. or mow. load lota, nest price, mrj wnm. M. B'jxiaixfc.
Stonicgton. LUlnois. Phor 131. APELJ-A Mr. and Mrs.
nown Thorp, a boy. born Thursday at Jobn I WANTED Good oiaiity bay. Fred Warner Hospital. t-Unton. Scbeer.
a Paso GRIXJLtY Mr. ana airs, timer The program following the supper will include talks by Dan' Bryan, Dixie Bryan, Ronnie Peters and Willis Sieg. John Orendorff and Lynn Conrady will play piano selections. Hosts will be Ronnie second-generation corn borers in Illinois, the State Insect Reporting Service said Saturday. The service's weekly bulletin said pupation of borers in early fields of sweet and field corn ranges from 60 to 90 per cent Moth emergence ranges from 4 per cent in the north to 50 per cent the central part of Illinois, it said Schlipf.
a boy. bora Triday at Brokaw Hospital. Normal. DE LAND tPNS Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Ray Norton, a girl, bora Thursday at Mercy Hospital. Urbana. MILLER FARil STORE I Grove and Madison. rrEri CHEJSOA Mr. ana Mrs.
uouim u. Zook and Sharon and Janice S3 time, ton Pboa.phg.te) Runge. Hamilton, a Kirl. bora Saturday at Fairburr Hospital. ARMINGTON Mr.
and Mrs. IshmU Shephard. a boy, born Saturday at Men "Egg laying is now under way and egg masses will be abundant for the next few weeks," the re nonite Hospital. rJioominRion. MEADOWS Mr.
ana Mrs. Le noil. a boy. born Saturday at Mennomie Wisconsin Bugs Hospital. Btoomirtgton.
Limestooo and Phosphat rioyd Clino Pore 174. LoBov. T1. LIME. FHOSI-HATT.
POTASH. A3 mixed femiuer. Spreading service. Let us make you a plant food recommendation. Whitwood Feruiixer Serv-tce.
Phone S4. Hixlaon. liL BOCK PHOSPHATE Triple) Super Phosphate and Potash. We Meet All Price. Hale, a bor.
born Friday at Mennoniu BABY CHICKS Faultless Feeds, poul try remedies, supplies, vaccines, cull mowers. Lunde Implement McLean. TH. Hospital. LARGE SELECTION of good used com ing service.
Everything for poultry. S. W. HAYES HATCHERIES loomin gton. I1L Card of Thank bines, tractors and plows.
ZIMMERMAN IMPLEMENT CO. A-C and TV Dealer. 1 wish to thank everyone who sent cards and flowers during my illness. Run in Cycles; Encourage Flies FureVa. Phone T31 Roy Martin.
NESTS WATERERS FEEDERS Wa Give RAH Green Stamps MILLER HATCHERY port said. Treatment Advised "All indications point to a heavy flight of moths and heavy egg laying in the entire state north of Bloomington, even though the infestation of first generation was spotted in some areas." The bulletin advised farmers to start treatment about now in the southern part of the infested area and about a week later in the norm. SARGENT FAT' SERVICE Phone IIS Saunefem. TIT. ON WHEAT AND OATS STUBBLE IMPORTANT PICKER NEWS Wa mount John Deere No.
227 pickers Lodge Notices Grove and Madison. Park Free. Special meeting of Arts and Crafts Apply Schroclt custom Plena lor tea lecume growth. It's "Fertility That Fits." Schrock Fertilizer Service, Con-gervtlle. 111.
Phono Deer Creek, got Lodge No. 1017. A. F. and A.
Hon- day. Aug. 2. at 7:30 p. m.
Instruction rJfL7' ZZ r. JT" and nracUce. RefxeshmenU. Visitors Ue" Complete line i SUIev Tt-is. on ail John Deere tractors including G's and B's.
We also mount them on all IHC M'c MD s. Super and MTA tractors. So see us today about the finest com picker on the market. MART'S IMPLEMENT CO. ROANOKE.
ILL. MADISON, WIS. Answering A. B. HATCHERY or Dapvers 333.
welcome. Sl Grove. Phono 1-91 "5 or A. B. at Say brook.
Phone 21. Uvestock ANNOUNCEMENTS 100 LEGHORN hens. 80 cents niece. All Ekaad Stock Removed Frea Lewis Bachman. Gridley.
I1L Phone LET US custom spray for grasshoppers. weeds, second brood com borers with I No service eharse ever for dead stock B5Z1. Cemetery Lots our high clearance sprayer. We alsol removaL Globe Rendering Co. Phong FARM SAFETY engineers G.
E. Fickard, left, and G. L. McCIeary, of the U. of demonstrate how row crop tractor wheel settings offer greater tipping danger than wide wheel spacing.
Thirteen Illinois farmers were killed last year by tipping tractors. Pickard and McCIeary advise spacing wheels as far apart as work will permit. cemetery lots six graves south of I Farm Equipment 50 ave spray materials. 2-45M. Other locaiittes see phone nooic.
"In general, all evidence points to a large population of second-generation corn borer, and in many areas the latest, field corn up to 20 per cent of the acreage in some areas may profit from treatment," on ice at -arK mil. le pg- HARDMAN I2IPLEMENT CO. Rr-r als bred many questions, entomologists here i explain that all the crawling worms in Wisconsin are not army worms. Many are the tent caterpillars. Also the outbreak of Sargopha-gid, a specialized fly, is the result of the numerous tent caterpillars.
Dr. T. C. Allen, chairman of the department of entomology in the University of Wisconsin College of PhOn? 3-0103. I va-- i ztvj ui eagag JUaU TCSkci PHONE fa LEXINGTON.
ILL. heifers. E. Simpson et I FR-SALE 7, I NEW IDEA Fertillwr Spreaders. MR.
ARMER If you have I have rarn nm i-oncwij I See Us Before You Buv. priced. Write G-19L Pantograph. DANVER5 MOTOR CO. row picker of any a sing.eBOARS rilu Landrace breeding 'T bave I Dale Shinneman.
mile south, used single wat intersection 150 and U. order to fill for sevexa eral tow. We would Lice to trade ne Le Roy. TIL 2-row John Deere pull type pickers I A MOVE TOWARDS lasUng security 1 1 jour uncoin weiaeaier. a mues east.
Active Week Sees for them. See us before you buy. as BOARS Registered Hampshire. W. B.
we can allow more now. I Carver. 1-n miles south. mile west Move Into your home. now.
by nnan-l. mile nortn ot Faso. Agriculture, declares there is absolutely no evidence to support cmg with us. Moaerate nown pay- BACHTOLD WEED MOWERS New and ment. plus monthly rent-like payments I ued: some with larse Wisconsin mo.
HELLERS STORE I Kanaoipn. rnone neyworui sa-r-ta. Fl Po. I1L Phone I roar Duror eieht 400 nounda. tailored to income.
Inquire at I tors. Du Pont weed and brush killer. Cliord Heca; BENSON REALTY CO. Six Point Implement Co. NEW EQUIPMENT M-M Cnl-Picker sheller.
Phone 2-r-4. McLean. ii saia. Grasshoppers Hungry The insect report noted that a large acreage of. crops has been treated successfully against grasshoppers, but there still are reports of "severe damage" to soybeans, corn and hay.
"The "hoppers that have not been controlled are now developing healthy appetites," the bulletin warned. 111 T. Monroe St. Phone 7-071 I BULLDOZER Blade and sub-frame for l.t t. nb.r BRED GILTS Chester Whites, mas tered.
G. W. Builng. Mackinaw. Li.
a rnwrii irs ANONYMOUS FeDow-1 Nw mower. ALCOHOLICS.ANONYMOL.s eupw-1 Drtr v). Richard Ouinton. uLit New Idea 40-foot corn Soybeans Jump Up dump, special. G.
E. Appliances. me popular Deuel that the fly was imported by the carload to cope with the caterpillar. It may have been imported many years ago, he believes, but the only reason they were so plentiful this year was because the caterpillars were ship Group. Phone -6j days, niw worth.
evenings. P. O. Box 428. BRED GILTS Forty bead, bred to ARE you bilious, dizzy, bloat, gaU Blad CASE parte and service.
A complete USED EQUIPMENT line. Turley Farm Supply. Phone lS-foot food freezer. Minonk. III.
I Stewart Warner 4-foot food freer er. Hampshire boars: win start farrowing Aug. SO; price reasonable. E. A.
Cox. 1 miles east of Bloomington on Route t. der act up, pain in oacn, siaer zw lief. Haffner's Drugs. 720 W.
Chestnut. pathy with corn during the week wesungnouse srosx ree rcingeraior, 2 years old. BRED SOWS Registered Hampshire. COBEY wagon gears GLENCOE wagon hoists AUTO LICENSE Complete service. so plentiful.
as there was no specific bullish No. 24 I.H.C corn picker. money orders. ready to drop In mail; DURABILT waenn hoM news in this cram. Oats have Open Sunday.
a. c-T'rT7' I U'TX on. End Period With Big Gain; Corn Also Up Gives Straight Report To straighten out all the pri hpn rtarvsQtfw1 iinHor' olmncf irloal GRAFF IMPLEMENT CO. bred to top son of Claarvtew Count. September or early October farrow.
Phone 254. Sam Ream. Saybrook. BULL Full blood Polled Hereford, on year old: extra good. 13.
STOLLXR FARM SUPPLY Crtenoe. 1:1. Phone Rt 150 at Lafayette HEMORRHOIDS pUes. varicose ul- Mirier. 111.
Phone 4 concuuons ana nave Deen siorea in i r. pvio-cans reduces, retracts, combine m-m as. with motor, verv NEW IHC. 30-C Ensilage Harvester; vate reports on crawlers and flies, Dr. Allen explained that caterpil clears quiCKiy.
guarantee nm mius, i gooa. soo. a very dry condition. M-M S-rnw nicker. Ave veara H.
erwvt I ana nay a Hammer, is. i i i narrner urtiKS, iau w. i.nnuiut ctmrm condiUon. MOO. 1 COMBINE 1M MH Model 21.
13-foot BULLS Polled Shorthorn, registered. Lawrence Crushn, El Paso, Illinois. lars are coming down from the north and the army worms are much better than in the two pre- On Auto Insurance. 50 deducUble. full PIdo PICKEM TO BE COVBtnT-IMI IHC W.
very good. BY WILIJAM FERRIS CHICAGO Soybeans ceding years. USED MH and LH.C. S-foot combines. SEVERAL good used 2-row corn pick coming up from the south.
But late model Fords. Chevrolet or Plym- BULL Yearling Hoistetn. Wayne Sparks. I Roy. sVa SoutHwest, Minneanous-Mollne Dealer Rye was more or less nerrlected ouths.
soared on the Board of Trade this it is extremely unlikely that both ralrbury. 111. Phone 491-R-l era. GEORGE H. DUNN u- i.
r- WHY PAY MOHJ.T7? cwiu phone Benjon Insurance Agency. T-6071 COMBINES types of crawlers are active in week as if they were jet-propelled. PDOll Farmer City. 111. Phone J1S4 UClODer lard advanced DUt Other STORAGE Private rooms, low lniur- M-M No.
B. without motor. opriTtTT I Cat 4 or 81 Melvtn. IiL Yards at Che- any one neighborhood. The far They finished a staggering 19Va to ance.
expert packer. Ed Stone. Model m-m -a. gooa. months declined on the belief lard protectiv.
covers; width, up to 13 -J 'c7TVf -r FREEH ILL CATTLE 251 2 cents higher for the five day CO. Storage. 210 JS. Market. Phone g-305.
I thest north the army worm has been detected is about 50 miles u4 1A ft. strong, long lasting, low price. iittc jiiuuiiitm I xrmTM NURSING HOME 24 period, Raumeart Lumber ex Coal Co, 1001 Farm News Kernels Anybody Remember? Chicago Stock Yards is searching for names of persons who shipped hogs arriving there Dec. 26, 1865. A 90th anniversary celebration is being planned.
Records at the yards show names of weigh-masters and the fact that the first train was of 15 cars, made up along the Burlington or its connections. But no names of hog owners are available. The Yards wish to be notified if anyone can furnish such information. Eggs by the Pound Agricultural economists at Vir New and used and 12-foot Windrowers. 1 erably by the end of this year.
tg care: state qualified. Myrtle nursin W. Market St. Koehl Sales 4r Service. Eureka.
It was the weather, not jet pro Teuan a. rnone or )S. El faso. north of Madison. After a trip through the north' SEE THE Wikoml electric water pump.
CATTLE FOR SALE PAUL SHOEMAKER West edge Colfax. Et. Phone 114-R-l CATTLE FOR SALE EL PASO STOCK YARDS pulsion, which sent soybeans high WILKEY-HENDRY Nursing Home re COMBINE IH. 123 S.P. COMBINE Oliver.
14. 12-foot COMBINE Oliver. 14. s-foot. COMBINE Gleaner.
IMS. nas no impellers, pistons or leathers; 425 gallons per hour with n. p. motor. er.
And, 11 the opinions ot crop era counties during the worst of 4 Hog Prices opening at new location in El Paso. Phone 328 to contact Marguerite WU-Vey Hendry, owner and operator. experts mean anything, it wasn't One load Hereford steers. 600 pounds; the caterpillar season, Dr. Allen Kohler Farm Equipment Several good used tractors and corn so much what the weather had FROM US TO YOU You are right; We wondered which was worse, the 1816 S.
Main Phone 3-4970 SEE US AT Chenoa Centennial Julv dene to the soybean crop as what shall do our best to avoid double parking. We know how disgusting it pickers. McFeeter's Implement Co. IH Dealer Clinton. 111.
Phone 1-070 three choice registered Hereford bulls, grandsons of Larry ftOtkw Ready lor service. Farmers prices. W. P. DALRYMPLE ex SON Phone El Paso or Bloominrtno -390 or S-acrs Work Upward caterpillar or the fly which follows it.
it might do. Grain buyers apparently felt CORN HARVESTERS gets to get tied up by a double PARKER, however, please bear In mind we do this ONLY when absolutely necessary. We ore helping someone he may be handicapped it may 25la to August 1st. V. L.
ANDREWS John Deere and New Idea Chenoa. 1 11. Phone 111 SEX MAN Ac SCHROEDER Oliver Ezee-Flnw DeLaval Milkers Pontiac. 111. Phone 5343 FEEDER PIGS 150 Hampshire pigs Urn Those flies, he explained, help control the tent caterpillars.
The that, if the dry, hot weather in During Week parts of the Midwest continued it weeks om. Oooa 0 usury. i Mampanrre-Duroc cross. 90 pounds. E- V.
Han ley. 14 miles eat of Barnes- PHone a-oMa. New Oliver and Allls-Chalmers. SHANER IMPLEMENT CO. We Trade On Anything.
Easy Terms. AlUs-Chal mers and Oliver Sales and Service. fly eggs are deposited on the cat would seriously cut down crop be a prescription probably some patient. Cabs are a necessary evil but we promise to do our part. We don't want to Inconvenience anvone.
erpillar because tent caterpillar I FEEDER PIGS 100 bead of pigs I and CHICAGO Hog prices production. TRY VS FIRST FOR THE ITEMS YOU NTETJ Phone 47. Gibann Citv. Til. happens to be the only thing the worked higher this week, butchers ginia Jfolytecnnic Institute are If you think we're wrong dial J-20 25 rnnv piritrnt rmrrn rn trn.
10 weeks oid. Harnpshire-Puroc cross bred. Good ouauty. E. V.
Har.ley. IVs east Barnes. Phone Daily we rvceive new items of trade- Corn Responsive give us the cab number, location and IrVer mi, two mn rM iik new scaling under 240 pounds closing in farm machinery. Keep a close fly larva likes to eat. Peak of Cycle time of day.
We will tell you what I $630. Corn also responded to the watch here for the thlnss you need. IciVERNSEY Extra good. Urge, fresh steady to 50 cents up while heavier we ofler easy terms up to 2 years Gerald aioore, aula cow. Test a.
happened. Thank you. Phone S-20Z3. Deere 228. only two years old.
picked Your Yellow Cab Co. Doc." I 400 acres. 1700. weather, although in a much more weights were up 75 cents to $1.50. boosting "eggs by the pound" as a means of selling small eggs profitably.
They report consumers shy away from small eggs because of total food purchased per xo pay. west Kappa. WILL NOT he responsible for anv Deere 226. three years old. 450.
The caterpillars run in cycles, Dr. Allen explains. And there's a sedate fashion than soybeans. The POW" rnOWer- $US GUERNSEY Registered. Arrivals were down about 15 per yellow grain gained only debU other than those contracted by Deere 126 pickers.
4 and ft years eld. mvself. Paul Gaines. 603 East Chest-I 12S to $300. nut.
Deere 200 pull type, only used one 1M6 M-M power mower. $100. cent from the previous week, a mites west ot Kappa. good possibility that this year was the peak of a cycle. In that case cents for the week.
Wheat was Several 1930-3T tractors. $130 up. factor in the market's firmness. 1 yar. ITO year.
1 n.u. a-rar siae raae. s3. HAMPSHIRE RAM LAMBS Registered; farmers prates. IW enlles southwest dozen not because they feel small eggs are inferior.
They propose rather weak, ending 1-37's lower, 3 Deere 200 pull tvpe, three and four I Several 226 corn pickers. $230 un. there isn't likely to be another Wholesale pork cuts continued to vspen tjiiut Tor Your Convenience Twin City Hardware of Fau-bury. John M. Thompson, Falrburv.
III. selling eggs in one-pound cartons, heavy outbreak for 10 years or so. work lower both at Chicago and uais enaea to higher, rye 'i lower to J2 higher and lard 10 cents lower to 58 cents a hundred years old. 147 John Deere witn good rub- Case 2-row pull type, four and five ber. $1,330.
Gehl International and John Deere Cae 1-row In good shape. $175. Hammermills. 150 to $75. 24 IHC mounted, used 3 seasons, like Oliver.
New Idea. Case. John Deer HAMPSHIRE BRED GILTS, farrowing the East. 707 W. Chestnut St Phone 2-S403 And if there are no caterpillars regardless of the actual number cf eggs contained.
now; also Aug. ana sept. Fail noars. Mema Bros Mem a. Most cattle also were higher for there are no flies, because the pounds higher, 1 2-row pickers, sioo un.
Too hot to pedal Too hot to hike Call a Yellow Cab For a cool ride you'll like the week. Steers sold steady to PCREBRED GUERNSEY cows, bailer fly can't live without the caterpil mc 2-row pull type, 5 years old. 1200. 1952 Allis PTO rake: good. $273.
Corn seemed to be plagued by Deere 23 mounted on 1938 good 75 cents up, choice and crime calves, bulls 3 weeks to 3 bMutifullv marked. Cortlaa years: Candy lar. Of course, a few will sur all sorts of trouble. Not only was Two free cab tickets If we publish your kinds weighing 900 pounds and breeding. Gertie Swisher, DeLand.
1 nape, km tor noin. See us on a new or used corn picker vive. So the experience of 1954 tour line rnyme. Yellow Cab Co. Phone 1-2023.
SCOTCH SHORTHORNS bell era 1 more making the best gain. Cows there a lack of moisture in some sections, but also there was an will likely be repeated about 1964. WANTED Ride from 2 miles south of months old. Dean Lar'gan, H. 3.
B'ownMrirlon. Phone a-ossa. gamed 51.00 to $1.50 with a very ana gei your money wortn. MARTIN IMPLEMENT CO. ROANOKE.
ILL. FALRTLME EQUIPMENT Predicts Hog Recovery Dick Herm of Peoria says hog prices are expected to recover to a fully steady trend. Hogs should weigh 200 pounds before shipment and packing sows can be dried up witH confidence. Top cattle with weight will advance. The lamb abundance of insects.
Howard active demand developing late in FARMERS Bring your Uvestock to the Towanda Ion the Barnes blacktop) to Bloomington and back daily Monday through Friday; willing to pay $3 weekly. Write M-18. Pantagraph. Gramlich, agriculture agent of the B.oomingtea Sale paviuon every Rural Youth the week for canners and cutters. Oliver.
Case. I.H.C. and John Seert 2-14 and 3-14 plows. I up. NEW EQUIPMENT John Deere No.
6 corn sheller. John Deere No. 20 corn picker. John Deere No. 227 corn picker.
John Deere 18Hr-mch portable elevators are bridge trussed design. Have you tried the power steering on a John Deere "60" or Riley Bros, fly spray guaranteed to kill 80 of flies. Riley Bros, oils and greases. See us before vou buv bating wire. FARMER'S IMPLEMENT CO, The John Deere Store 409 S.
Center St Chicago and North Western Rail Wednesdav. HaroM JUnOroa. Phone Vealers were strong to 52.00 Halters Saddles Bridles Leads Complete Livestock Equipment MILLER'S FARM STORE Where to Go way, said corn borers are the FOUR CHESTER WHITE SOW'S Bred worst on record in Iowa Talk Meets to Harr pahire boar. Dean Zhr. Pontiac.
IIL BUCKEYE TAVERN U.S. 130, Morton. I Grove and Madison. Park Free. Spring lambs and yearlincs market will hold steady and lambs "In the Sioux City area," Gram closed steady to 50 cents higher.
serving cnicxen. nsn ana sres sunaay AI ma and every day. Sam A Herb Hirsteln. oew ievt nd P1 FREX1 Butchering for freest patrons. lich said, "many stalks look as OK Meat Market Trading during most of the period CHARCOAL BROILED Steaks and FARMAli used less than to Clinton.
TIL Phone 4Tt though they had been hit by shot chicken. Best in town at Streids. should be fattened with corn. Soybeans Disappear Stocks of soybeans are approach aays.
WesUnghouse 1-can milk cooler. $183. Served every evening. ruled moderately active to slow with city butchers furnishing much Handed Topic "Democracy Doesn't Just Hap gun pellets as a result of the bor Free Dead Stock Removal BOB LOCKWOOD Phorw a-snsij FISHING AT Airline Lake: also several TOLLER IMPLEMENT CO. T-33 MILK COOLER Six can.
like new. One year old. John C. Wiixig Jr. Phone 1F11.
McLean. TIL USED MACHINERY SP'rflAfji ings of the first crop borers. added attractions. Eat Ice cold water- Phone Grid lev, m. of the activity.
Receipts were on ing a near exhaustion point until melon under bush harbor. A. Leaves in some fields shake off I I FORD TRACTORS Overhauled and REGISTERED Yorkshire bred gilta du a par with last week. Wholesale Wooslev. trifles east of Carloek.
ready to go; several models. Used the new crop is available, accord easily. pen" has been chosen as the theme for the 1954 Rural Youth to farrow in August ana Beptemoer. Sohrs Yorkshire Farm. Forrest, HI.
lamb prices declined moderately PICNICKING? Take along some baked side and rear mount Ford mowers. Lr9 drU1 draiea acres, Ezy-Flo fertilizer spreader, slightly used. 10 foot 23. ing to the Chicago Board of Trade "It looks as if there will be a TEN MILK cows ad 10 Hereford cows; Doui at Chicago and in the East, ham sandwiches, potato salad, and I We trade and finance, some real cool drinks, from Hubbard's I Sik Point Implement Co. Talk Meets, according to Ed Dal- heavy second crop of borers with rtEW MACHINERY SPECIALS Locust Locust.
must sell: in drought area, have no feed. Clyde Sherman. 4 mile east of Saybrook. Foosland. HI.
t-uoorq. B04 e. GOOD SELECTION of 2 and 3-bottom Graln-O-VatorT $450. haus, director of young people Their weekly newsletter quotes USDA estimates of 33 million bushels on hand smallest in six years. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK 1 run cut one ana get two 1 xractors.
an repatniea ana guaranteea. 1 New idea No. 40 mower 1318 much damage in the shanks and resultant falling off of ears such tHlCAGO- (P) HOGS Recemta 900 at btreias co*cktail Hour, 4 to 6 p. m. I Late Model 45-T International and New New Idea No.
45 rake activities for the Illinois Agricultural Association. THREE GOOD registered. Cheviot year afiduic. uuicncn over zu nounds un xiouana il osiers at late season I new idea rvdraulic loader. $320.
as occurred some five years ago ling ewes. Priced to ee4 quickly. Robert Wl'lerton. Dsn vers. HAWTHOHVT.
unvt WE ARE APPROVED for the Korean Speeches on this general theme evenly 75c to $1.30 higher; sows 60c to $1.00 higher; most 190 to 240 pound when the last bad epidemic was flight training program. Vets write or THREE Registered Hereford cows wlta Xntematior-al Harvester Dealer Savbrook. IIL Phone 2101 will be made by young farm pe nu liners.; SOWS, $14,000 experienced. prices.
New New Holland and John Deere Forage Harvesters. SEE YOU AT THE FARMER CITY FAIR HAWX 4c OVERTON Farmer City. 111. Phone 331 Brothers Win At Durbc Show neifer calves. Bua regJ'-ered.
one ear old. A good one. Two steers, ohn Murray. Grtdley. ItL see us for details.
Lincoln riying Service. Box 312. Lincoln. Phone 973 or 314. Charter service.
Piper Aircraft Sales. Ask for free flight demonstration. A Receinta. Sftn ople across the nation, culminating in the national final competi WE HAVX IN STOCK Lindane. Color cnoice ana prime steers 800 tmundi Rain Helps Beans The Quaker Oats noted and heavier mosUv SOe to 7V- kioh.r- 44 open Spring gilts.
Tested. Meat-type. cane. u.u.TH BJf.C. and mixed fly JPry- Also weed killers and power tion next Dec.
13 in New York Two mues nortn, one nuie east, l.ure- ka. Elwin Fehr. Phme tiA-J vi sivrn. crops remain in a critical condi City. Bishop's Hatcherv.
Le Roy. m. heifers 850 pounds down and light steer yearlincs steady to 60c lower; heifers over 850 pounds steady to 25c higher; cows $1.00 to $1.50 higher with canners The topic was chosen, according GRASSHOPPERS cost real monev to feed, kill 'em with ALDRIN. George Agle tk Sons. 207-09 S.
Center St HANGAR TNER BITTNER Sales ex Service Good field. 111. Phone Deer Creek 201 tion in all of eastern Kansas, southern Illinois and Indiana. r. CARRY IN STOCK Kewanee.
New Idea, and Mever nnrt.hi 140 CHOICE Hereford and Angus calves. All weights. Frank Becker three miles west cat Shirley. Pfaonei i Lanlord 34-F-3L ana cutters very active: bulls fullv to Dalhaus, to place the county We also have New Idea nlekera mnA In general crop experts were 50c higher; vealers strong to $2.00 higher; prime 1.200 to 1.435 pound fed steers. choice and prime spreaders.
Check with us for trades on elevators and spreaders as we and state preliminary sessions in the field of citizenship, where un TOPEKA, KAN. (UP) A major portion of prize money in the first three contests of the National Duroc Hog Congress here went to two brothers from Pleasant Plains, ID. Alvin S. Lehmann won first place for his pen of three gilts Fri more optimistic about the soybean LH.C 1947 "62" combine with pick mim in nrea oi tnese used items. up attachment $350.
AUCTION SALES crop than corn. Gramlich said, derstanding and leadership are DC CASE 1850 tractor, overhauled. -uua MOTOR SERVICE AHis-Chaimera and New Idea Dealer Ill "By and large the soybean crop complete hydraulic svstem. $1,195. crucial.
tas SA aztythinc ACCTIOH CTTT-Caa LH.C. One -64" combine. PTO demon still looks quite promising. We County organizations will hold 1854 Deere 70. used very Lttie, new you wish to sell.
Phone 4-43M or 4-TO 14 Ruber Bros Auetiorrt gutrantee, 12500. feel the plants have withstood the strator; prlcea Sl.563. WALKER IMPLEMENT CO. Buick and International Dealer their meets prior to Oct. 1 and ieere eo.
new ran tee. 12000. adverse climatic factors better OFFICE HOURS Dally 8:30 A. M. to 7 p.
M. Sundays and Holidays. IP. IL Evd district contests will be held prior 1951 Oiiverr with Minonk. 111.
Phone 83 day and finished both second and third in the market barrow class. His brother, John, was third with FURNITURE AUCTIONS Every Friday miht Oim 11 In 4 la''v and Sundsv. fed steers. good to low choice steers. $19.00 23.00; high choice and prime 800 to 1.100 pound heifers and mixed yearlings.
$23 00 25.00; most to high choice heifers 850 pounds. 22.75: utility and commercial cows. canners and cutters, most utility and commercial bulls. $12.0014.50: good heavy and medium weight beef bulls, $10.50 14.00; good and choice vealers, $15,000 18.00; good and choice heavy steer calves, yearlings stockers and feeding steers. S16.25& 19.50.
SHEEP Receipts. 100. salable: spring lambs and yearlings steady to 60c high than corn and there seems to be 4-row cultivator. new. tlioO.
to 7 P. M. to Oct. 31. The state contest is INTERNATIONAL 1950 No.
34 Uilver si with 4-row rultlvator BARGAIN CTNTER AUCTION HOUSE picker. Ready to go. Marvin wlllke. no serious insect problem." stated for Nov. 16 in Chicago.
his entry in the pen of three gilts Ancnor. 111. pnone ivr-ii. Towanea. -IIL Pnones 58 Towanda.
a-tin As for the situation in Spring Most county organizations will John Deere used No. sheller. good. competition. wheat, the cereal company said, have a series of "roundtable' Illinois Duroc raisers were well t.sea jonn Deere Forage Harvester.
Ued suction type Forsge Blower NOTICE A very big percentage of the g-xl shape. $1700. 14T WC and ruiuvator. 3750. 1M9 Ford.
ano. jMassey-Harrls 30 and cultivator. HI jjiHJT-Harris 44. tlOCXl. 1949 DC Case, 350.
Many other good used tractors te pick from. IHC Italxe sill. iiu sessions on the subject to prepare ahead of owners from 17 other far bast results, tuly year yepoai lion. Start tSa ad for I days cancel wkaa results are obtained. Yoa v3 be aoarqad Jhf lor the comaewnve days the as) actuafy raaj at the price earned for that period.
Hie oaJy cast becomes relatively lest as aws wards ol dsscrtption and mora days era ssad. CASH PRICtS DAILY COSTS bread wheats are going to escape members lor competition, Mr, stateSj winning four of 10 places in P.T.O. ARENDS SONS John Deere Dealer MELVIN, ILL. Dalhaus said. the pen of three gilts class, rating severe damage by rust but the durum wheats will be damaged as er; slaughter sheep steadv to strong; good and choice grades.
good to choice 85 to 87 pound Washington and Oregon lambs. $20.00: most cull to low good lambs. JOHN DEERE DIESEL 1.800 hours. IT ft MM and DiC Uaetcasrers. World's Largest Rummage Sale.
severely as they were a year ago." EMDEN r-owr-iroi. nenect. ujiaa. ST3 i to 108 pound year- Oats advanced largely in sym-'SSS. gooa to prime 86 1947 John Deere new block, new Ottawa Snelier mounted en IHC truck, pistons, new high compression bead 50i.
Mrs. AlTurkoof Clinton ana valves, good tires. $1,335. 1950 John Deere A. Fowr-Trol.
Roll-O- 53 ft. Deere Elevator. San. MARTIN IMPLEMENT CO. Roanoke.
IIL of the four superior senior gilts and scoring four of ten places in the 'market barrow division. The three superior rated boars sold for $600, $535 and' $325, or neatly $3 a pound. Fred R. Guhde, Brock, was owner of the $600, hog. Worth Farms, Osio, HL, made the Aiatic.
new rings and valves, good rubber, new heavy axles. II All ith remote control. 1950 1S51 -M" 1948 W- LH.C fully equipped, new Heights, Rensselaer, N. Y. who arrived here Wednesday to visit with Mr.
and Mrs. William Struebing, will leave Sunday for her home. Mrs. Dena Harris and Miss Emma Zimmer returned Thurs oota snow new tractor appear- M. 6c sleeves and pis ions, perfect II.T7S.
liberal Trades and Credit Sunday 11 AJJ. to 4 PAL LOADS OF MESSY ITEMS lead, ethers foBew. Bargain Center Auction House Towanda, IIL 1948 I.H.C new M. W. sleeves SIZE 8 DAYS 4 DAYS 1 PAY Wert Caahl Daly Caas OaJ Caak ssAe Prias Cast Prka Cast Priaa ml6 4.75 .59 2.92 .73 l.Oo 23 6 05 .76 3 67 32 2S m29 7.20 .90 4.32 1.08 1.62 m3S 6.64 1.08 3.18 130 41 10.08 16 6 0S 11 2-27 m47 11.32 1.44 6.91 1.73 2.S S3 112.96 1.62 7.79 l.4 292 59 114 40 iJM 864 2.16 34 liAArtlt ac SAITDER Fureka.
III. day from a two weeks vacation ana pistons, new m. w. -speed transmission: clutch and governor overhauled; rubber new last fall. 775.
AUCTION SALES trip to Waterloo, Iowa, where they 1951 John Deere Powr-Trol. ver- nauieo. new cooayear IZx3a. 11.725. 1954 John Deere 70.
used less than 73 hours, fully eoulooed: barsain! We are having a clearance sale en new Kewane elevators. See us for a real deal. visited at the home of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall.
Produce Market BLOOMINGTON PRODUCE (Courtesy Sunny Center Egg Co.) (Monday's Quotations) Heavy Hens Hybrid Hens 10 Leghorn Hens 10 1951 John Deere IS combine. 11-foot; Trippers1 To Hold Picnic CHICAGO The sixth annual Illinois Agricultural Association Trippers picnic will be held August 15 in Miller Park, Bloomington, starting at 1:30 p. m. hydraulic speed control: fine condition. 13.673.
Don't Forget Annual Farm I Soil Day Wednesday! August 25th We specialize in Farm Insurance of all kinds. Don't forget us when you think of Farm Insurance. 1949 MH IH oot self propelled combine, $1,385. 1948 Allis combine, good. 98SS.
New Grain-O-Vator on rubber. $450. We are now handling the Farm Hand Old Roosters ao line or forage boxes and seeding wagons. GARDNER'S JOHN DEERE White (A) Jumbo 4 Large 43 Pontiac. 111.
Phone 4333 Cash rata earned If paid by city advertiser within days from billing and by suburban advertisers within 7 days. Every other day orders payable at I day rate. National rate, 40e per line, for ads from outside primary circulation gone. Classified Deadlines as follow: P. M.
daily for following day's Issue. 13 noon. Mondav through Friday, for Evening Edition. Ads appearing In one ediuon only charged far full circulation. Liability of Publisher and Newspaper for errors is limited to space occupied by ad.
Credit for errors not the fault of the advertiser will be limited to 1 day's republication of ad. The Pantagraph is responsible for the first Incorrect insertion onlv. lit Service and mailing charge for blind ads. Quotation of rates gladly given for other than set solid Classified Ads. twt Balls Slataejaatj KENNEDY 13-foot all steel grain bed Medium .35 Brown (A) BIG HOUSEHOLD AUCTION ALL NEW MERCHANDISE Sunday, August First 1:30 (D.S.T.) NAME BRAND QUALITY MERCHANDISE Electric mixers, sewins machines, power and hand tools, paints, dishes, lamps, deep fryers, fans, fishing tackle, silverware, electric irons and appliances.
100 useful items. HAVE FUN! SAVE MONEY! ATTEND THIS SALE! AUCTION CITY SALE BARM 1511 W. Chestnut Et IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE JUSTICE ACCTION HOCSJ witn stock rack and Anthony bout only $350. Jumbo 44 Large 40 1948 CMC truck with gravel bed and The Trippers are members of the state-wide Farm Bureau organization who have gone on one of the IAA-sponsored tours to the American Farm Bureau Federation conventions in San Francisco, Atlantic City, Dallas, and Seattle. The annual picnic gives those who attended the conventions a chance to renew acquaintances.
Gayle Schofield, McLean county, is chairman of the event. Medium .33 Grade 23 Grade .17 hoist in very good shape, only $685. Easy terms. MARTIV IMPLEMENT CO. ROANOKE.
ILL. r-uuets 20 Pullets .15 Pee Wees 10 M-M 1B51 picker, rear elevator. Unl-Pickers and Harvesters. Livestock Albion C. Lake, 205 Griesheim Bldg.
R. E. Larkin Bloomington, 111. Used weed mowers and enrmes. GRIDLEY FARM SUPPLY GrMley.
IIL Phone 131 NEW HOLLAND Forage Harvester, new with com attachment $1,300. BALER 1953 New Holland with starter. GIBSON CITY IMPLEMENT CO. Fhooa 97. Gibson City.
IIL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS CHICAGO Unofficial estimated livestock receipts for Monday: HOGS 9.000 About 900 asteroids (minor Pksae 4-M4I. Ask far Classifies: AsVVakaf planets) have been discovered in the past year. CATTLE 21.000 2,500.