Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

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Bristol Herald Courieri

Bristol, Tennessee

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nineT- URSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 5 1935 THE BRISTOL HERALD COURIER BRISTOL VIRGINIA-TENNESSEE 'if It's Worth Worth Advertising On The Classified Page 9 Salesman Wanted Livestock CURB LIST fruit trees and SHRUB-bery for sale Salesmen wanted Write to Copcord Nurseries Dept 12 Concord Ga 24-30t-9 I BONDS (Compiled By The Associated Press) BUS SCHEDULE ATLANTIC Greyhound 9 aaaDCFSs ATLANTIC GREYHOUND LINES Through Bus Service Over Greyhound Scenic Routs BRISTOL TO RICHMOND AND CHARLOTTE 15 Rooms Furnished DEC 4 Net Chs IBS STOCK ILK trong Demand For The Carrier Stocks Most Commodities Quiet Previous FOR RENT: NICELY FURNISH-ed room In private home modern conveniences good location reasonable Phone 1184-J 3-tfl5 FOR RENT: STRICTLY MOD-ern room close in one or two persons meals garage Phone 1323-J 5-3t-15 1935 Low CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATS per word for one day So per word for three consecutive days He per word for seven consecutive days tOo per word for fifteen consecutive days 35c per word for thirty consecutive daya 15 Word Minimum Card of Thanks $109 Cash in Advance Classified An Accepted for both papers only NO WANT ADS TAKEN OVER THE Classified ads will be accepted over the counter until 6:30 for insertion the following morning For afternoon paper until 10 A Low Low 1934 1932 NEW YORK Dec 4 Following is a selected list of closing stock quotations: High Low Cls Allied Mills Am Beverage Am Clt Am Cyan Am Equities Am Fgn War Am Gas El Am Sup Power Am Sup pf Ark Nat Gas Ark Nat Gas Atlas Corp Atlas Corp pf A BUss Buckeye PL Can Ind Ale A Carib Syn Cities Service' Cit Serv pf Cleve El HI Cleve Tract Comwlth Edis Cons Bal Cord Corp Crane Co 50 50 50 14l 1 4 14 95 95) 88 88 41 51 221! 22 96 882 541 22ij -Wanted To Buy Sales today $20j542000 STOCKS 30 Indus li Us 15 Util 60 Stocks WANTED: ALL KINDS RAW furs walnut kernels We have three traveling buyers let us make you a cash offer Tenneva Hide Fur Co Phone 223-J Bristol Tenn 17-30t-21 i Markets at a glance: Stocks firm late rally lilroad chares Bonds-4bigher secondary rails Sad rise Curl) steady metals and pecialties in demand I Foreign exchan i tongkong dollar weak Cotton lower local and south-rn hedge selling Sugar quiet steady spot market i higher trade buying 1 Wheat lower sympathy with Winnipeg Com steady unfavorable eather -Cattle steady to 22 5higher "lV $1500 Net Change a 3 Wednesday 739 Previous Day 736 Month Ago 740 Year Ago 550 1935 High 763 1935 Low 495 1934 High 614 1934 Low 453 Movement of Recent 1 1932 Low 17 5 1929 High 1469 a5 556 551 539 413 561 348 514 340 169 1577 618 CHICAGO Dec 4 (US Hogs 17000 including 7-500 direct rteady to 5 higher than average spots up more top 990 bulk 170-320 lb 975-85 better grade 140-160 lb 950-80 most sows 910-40 Cattle 9000 calves 1500 choice and prime fed steers i5 higher on shipper account middle and lower grades steady shippers active all she stock generally steady supply moder ate prime weighty steers held above 1475 best yearlings 1400 bulk better grades 1250 upward and good share of these sold on early round bulls firm shippers paying up to 600 for weighty sausage offerings vealers steady at 1100 down stockers and feed ers continued to get good action at 850 down Sheep 9000 fat lambs opening slow indications around steady sheep and feeding lambs firm good to choice native and fed western lambs bid 1100-25 now confidently held 1140-50 and upward slaughter ewes 450-525 best held above 550 choice lightweight Montana feeding lambs 1000 BALTIMORE Dec 4 (7D Cattle 750 most steers helcLfor market cows strong up 25 on better grades bulls steady Few common and medium heifers 550-750 Beef cows 500-650 cutters 350-450 Few medium bulls 500-75 odd head beef bulls up to 650 Calves 75 steady Few good and choice vealers 1200-50 few common and medium 800-1100 Hogs 200 mostly steady top lower Good and choice 120-210 lbs 1050-75 220-250 lbs 1015-50 Sheep 170 nominally steady Few common and medium lambs 800-1125 choice up to 1200 Slaughter ewes 500 down WANTED CEDAR LOGS either cars Ry or Southern on stump or stumpage Also walnut and white oak veneer logs Write call or wire Holston Tie Corp Abingdon Va for prices and specifications 28-7t21 516 to 5 up top 1927 Low New 1935 high Sales today: 3002741 Hogs steady 990 Special Notices PROFIT SHARING Watch Elgin Sport Gold Case 15-J $1475 Solid Gold Baguette 17-J $2275 8 Diamond Case 17-J $2875 23 Moore St Bristol Va 921 91 14 141 292 28) 261 26 23 23 92 141 28) 26 23 45 WE PAY THr HIGHEST CASH prices for walnut kernels Hamilton-Bacon-Hamilton Commonwealth- Ave Phone 77 Millinery Sale All Better Hats REUCED TO AT RALEIGH :1 UNION BUS TERMINAL STOCKS NEW YORK Dec 4 Following is a selected list of closing stock quotations: High Low Cst 45 HAVE YOUR CLOTHES You'll see the Difference Tailors Cleaners Dyers 25 Sixth St Phona 1687 l-tf3 45 113 53 25 62 55 13 111112 52 52 24 25 60 62 54 54 13 IS $295 Gage Lazarus and Touster Velour and fur felts The STYLE SHOP Phone 713-W 635 State St 4-2t3 NOTICE We weld anything Acetylene and Electric welding day or night Body and fender repairing Painting Hydraulic brake service and linings Get our prices 1358 or 1591 LIGHTHOUSE OIL and GAS Inc FULLER BUS LIN BRISTOL-SALTVILLE Effective Sept 5 1935 NORTH BOUND AM PAL PM Lv BRISTOL 10:30 4:00 7:20 Lv Abingdon 11:00 4:30 8:00 Lv Meadow View 11:20 4:55 8:20 Lv Emory 11:30 5:00 8:30 Lv Glade Springs 11:40 5:10 8:40 ArSALTVILLE 12:00 5:30 8:00 SOUTH BOUND AM PM PM LvSALTVILLE 7:30 1:00 5:80 Lv Glade Springs 7:50 1:20 5:50 Lv Emory 8:00 1:30 6:00 Lv Meadow View 8:05 US 6:05 Lv Abingdon 8:30 2:00 6:30 Ar BRISTOL 8:00 2:30 7:00 7:30 A Schedule leaving Saltville Va makes connection at Glade Spring with bus for Roanoke Va and Washington At Abingdon with bus for Bluefield Va also Norton At Bristol for Knoxville and points South FOR HIGHEST CASH PRICES bring your farm products to Calder Premium Poultry Products corner Shelby and Ninth street Bristol Tenn 4-30t-21 WHEN YOU WANT COAL wood or kindling call 223-J or Tenneva Hide Fur Co 17-30t -3 Radio Service 22 FOR QUICK SALE: CASH credit memorandum on new Dodge at Kingsport Motor Co Extra discount Phone 1848 3-3t3 RADIO-REPAIR ALL MAKES Work guaranteed free estimate Whitaker Jellicorse 11 Seventh St phone 29 7-tf-22 CINCINNATI Dec 4 Hogs 3250 450 direct and through 450 over moderately active 225 lbs down and packing sows steady 225 lbs up 5-15 higher top and bulk ISO-225 lbs 1000 225-250 lbs 990 250-300 lbs 975-90 130-160 lbs 950-75 100-130 lbs 900-50 packing sows 800-50 Cattle 600 calves 400 slow steady most steers and cutter cows strong common to medium steers and heifers 600-850 odd yearling steers to 975 small lot good to choice 100 lb bullocks 1150 fat cows 450-600 low cutter and cutter 325-450 sausage bulls 600 down calves 50 higher top 1200 Sheep 400 steady fat lambs 1050-1125 some weighty and mixed around 1000 strictly choice absent quotable to 1150 possibly higher for grain-fed common to medium slow 950 down inferior culls low as 300 fat slaughter ewes 300r400 Johns Manv Kelvinator Kennecott Krog Groc Lambert Libby G1 Loews Lorillard Macy (RH) MarshField Math Alkali McCrory Strs McK Robb Mengel Mesta Mach Miami Cop McLelland Str Mid Cont Pet Midland Stl pf Mo pf Mont Ward Motor Wheel Murray Corp Nash Motr Nat Bisc Nat Dairy Pro Nat Dist Nat Tea Cent Shipping rth Am Nor Pac Ohio Oil Otis Elev Otis Stl Otis Stl pf Owens 111 G1 Packard Park Utah Penn Dix Cfcm Penn Dix pf Penna RR Phelps Dodge Phillips Pt Post Tel pf Pub Serv Pullman Pure Oil a Radio Radio pf Rad Keith A Reo Mot Repub Stl Reyn Met Rey Tob St Jos Lead Schenly Dist Seab Air Sears Roeb Servel PHONE 186 RADIO SERVICE Co 10 Bank SL All work guaranteed Keller Witcher 27-tf-22 WANTED: TWENTY YEAR-lings to winter on farm near Mill Homer LeSueur Bristol Va Rt 2 4-3t-3 38 Used Cara For Sale FOR SALE: COUPE IN GOOD mechanical condition $7500 $2000 down balance easy terms Victor Repair Shop 710 Shelby SL 4-3t-38 GILLETTE TIRES BEAR FOR Guaranteed 12 and 18 Months Come in See this Wonderful Tire and Get Our LOW Prices Hamilton Bacon Commonwealth Ave PHONE 77 48 Houses For Unfurnished BUY YOUR BICYCLE NOW pay next year small down payment balance easy terps Tricycles Wagons Skates etc The Fixit Shop 12 Seventh Street Bristol Tenn l-7t-3 PRETTY BRICK VENEER HOME with steam heat and garage 717 Lawrence Avenue by month or lease at $3500 See A Good pasture Jr 28-7t48 PRODUCE The following produce quotations are furnished by the Armour Creameries and apply only to plant deliveries in Bristol: Heavy hens 4 lbs and over 17 light hens under 4 lbs 15 leghorn hens 13 heavy springs 17 leghorn springs 15 stags 12 old roosters 9 ducks 9 mus-covey ducks 5 geese 8 fresh hen eggs 29 Red and Gray Coach lined NORTON VA BRISTOL-GATE CITY BIG STONE APPALACHIA NORTON PENNINGTON GAP-MIDDLESBORO KY Lv Bristol: 7:45 10:80 a 5:30 Ar Gate City: 8:35 11:20 a 2:50 6:20 Ar Big Stone: 9:50 a 1:10 7:50 Ar' Appalachia: 10:00 a nt US 5:00 8:10 Kij Norton: 10:40 a 1:55 5:30 8:40 Ar Pennington Gap: 10:00 a (CST) 4:45 (CST) Ar Middlesboro: 11:30 a (CST) 6:25 (CST) Connects at Appalachia for Lyncn Cumberland and Harlan Connects at Middlesboro for nneville Corbin Ky and Cincinnati Ohio BRISTOL to KINGSPORT via GATE CITY: lv Bristol: 10:30 a 2:00 pm Ar Kingsport: 11:40 a nu 3:05 UNION BUS TERMINAL 5 67 42 58 34 23 15 38 9 11 161 241 20 13 48 261 15 51 8 12 22 25 31 39 12 5 67 1 43 581 351 24 15) 39 9 4 4 17 241 211 131 49 261 16 511 91 121 22 26 31 39 12 5 671 421 64 341 23 141 38 9 4 4 161 23 20 12 48 26 15! 511 81 121 22 251 31 39 HI Armr 111 Arm III pf Armst Cork Atch Fe Atl Cst Line Atl Refin At Tack Corp Auburn Auto Aust Nich Aviat Corp Baldwin Loc Balt Balt -O pf Bend Avia Corp Bamsdall Beth Steel Borden Bridgep Brass Lriggs Mfg Bud Mfg Budd Wheel Bullard Co Bur Add Mch Butte Cann Mills Canad Pac Case I For Sale-Miscellaneous I NEW YORK Dec 4 (A5) Rail hares with net gains of 1 to 4 joints ran up to a new 1935 dgh for the second successive ession in a last hour' burst of peed on the stock exchange to-lay Measured by The Associated hress average of 15 rails this jroup rose 14 to 312 a new jeak since July 18 1934 The ad-rance was the widest since November '23 when a rise of 16 ras sctJred Demand for the carriers which vas attributed to estimates of im-rovement in November net iperating income helped to tiffen the rest of the market vhich had run into fits of profit aking earlier The Associated Press average 60 stocks was up 05 to 556 was the accumulation of rail ssues brokers said which stoutened volume to 3002741 shares (ompared with 1941920 on Tues lay It was the largest turnover lined Nov 25 Although the market was (elective at times the oils and i coppers found ready takers latter somewhat more con-jntly than the former naconda and Kennecott both ted up to new tops Purses were attributed in brok-e quarters to the somewhat roved statistical position of per and the belief that gen- industrial improvement will pfit the red metaL he financial liking the oils was described in erms of recent gossip of a posable price rise for crude mid' continent oil Officials of large would not confirm the umors however Some analysts explained the uying of oils as the result of ecent revival of inflation talk jointing out that the shares represent a hedge against changes the purchasing power of do! srs The spectacular behavior of he rails did not obscure the judget of trade news most of vhich was on the favorable side Reports of either dividend extras increases came to the market rom Sunshine Mining American Snuff American Rolling Mill American Cyanamid To-acco Starrett and several ther concerns Gains of from 1 to more than i points were chalked up by the rails each of which nuched a new high for the year: Santa Fe which closed at 58 Jnion Pacific at 111 New York Central at 29 Illinois Central at and Pennsylvania which iinished at 321 gain of 1 to 27 vas made on heavy trading vhile Kennecott rose 1 to 28 ilso on active turnover Prominent gainers of fractions more than a point among the ils were: Phillips Petroleum at Standard of New Jersey at 19 and Continental at 29 Chrysler ran into selling and jacked down to 83 but ad- "nces of fractions to more than points were made by heel at 481-General Motors at Westinghouse Electric at 94 md Smelting at 1061 In the most active market lince March 6 the bond market vas steady featured by a brisk lemand for medium and low- jriced rails Transactions totaled £20542000 GOVERNMENT BONDS new YORK Dec 4 rtnal Bonds: 'reasury 4 3-4s 47-52 easury 4s 44-54 3 3-4s 46-56 3 l-4s 41 3 l-4s 44-46 reasury l-8s 46-49 reasury 3 3-8s 49-52 3s 46-48 treasury 3s 51-55 10219 Treasury 2 7-8s 55-60 100 Farm 3s 47 1019 Farm Mtg 3s 49 10030 Farm Mtg 3 l-4s 64 10218 feome Own Ln 3s A52 10022 Home Own Ln 2 3-4s 39-49 9919 FARMERS IF YOU LIVE within fifty miles of Bristol and have grain to be ground into feed I will grind it at your farm with large hammer mill Prices very attractive Write Harold Miller Benhams Va Route 1 l-7t3 FOR SALE: ONE WALNUT drop-leaf table antique Phone 811 3-3t28 11 1 hn icl e- 10- ns tor U- a le- i a- to "in he ay Pn VO nd h- ch lie n- ie- d- ot tat a- its i i ed ed (i- ch 'al o-ry a of be ne ill id fe P- pf ne tr ig r- iy ne lis id v- le ie i' 5 5 5 1911 181 18 251 25 25 56 55 55 24 23 24 51 1 67 1411 53 68 1411 53 1 67 141 000 year ago 223050 Total bond sales today 200000 year ago $4496000 $4- Lost and Found FOR SALE: PERCHERON mares as good as breed affords Bristol Riding Club Stables Fiftn Street Extension 4-3t-28 151 121 LOST: BROWN POCKETBOOK containing $2000 bill and change in front Montgomery Ward Co Mrs Crenshaw Phone 869-W 5-3t-5 102 1 101 101 SELLING OUT COMPLETE Stock new used and retreaded Tires Cut Rate Tire Store Behind Lighthouse on Piedmont Street 17-30t-28 6 Help Wanted Male CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO Dec 4 Wheat fell 1 cents here today largely because of Winnipeg market weakness following announcement wheat surplus would be sold at world competitive prices Wheat closed unsettled -li under finish May com' 1 off to up May 58-- oats at 1- decline and provisions 2 cents to 7 cents down I Open Tlgh Low I Cls Wheat: 971 971 -951 95 1 Dec 97 May 96 96 95 95 NEAT WORLD WAR VETERAN to travel with salerf crew We train and pay transportation and expenses while learning Apply room 430 Hotel Bristol 5-lt-6 NEW YORK Dec 4 Live poultry irregular By freigit: chickens 17-22 broilers unquoted fowls 18-24 roosters 15 turkeys 20-28 ducks 18-20 By express: chickens 16-22 broilers 21-23 fowls 17-24 roost ers 15 turkeys 24-28 ducks all sections 16-20 Dressed poultry dull Fresh: turkeys southwest 22-28 north west unquoted nearby 30 other fresh and all frozen grades unchanged Eggs 25742 irregular Mixed colors: special packs or selections from fresh receipts 36-38 standards and commercial stand ards 36 firsts 30-31 dirties No 1 42 lbs 24-25 average checks 221-23 refrigerators special packs 24-24 3-4 standards 23-3-4 firsts 22 3-4 mediums 21 1-4-3-4 sec onds 21 3-4 checks 18-19 White eggs: Pacific coast shell treated or liners mediums 30-33 other whites unchanged brown: nearby and western special packs private sales from store 36-38 western standards 36 49 Stores and Offices For Rent FOR RENT: OFFICE OVER building Phone 7018-J or 249 4-3t-49 25 26 15 12 14 51 71 19 37 27 49 371 36 62 Money To Loan 26) 49 I HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE boy under 24 to travel to Florida with sales crew We train and pay transportation and expenses while learning Mr Gillespie Hotel Bristol 5-lt-6 16)1 16 12 12 27 49 17 121 10 20 8 25 32 89 88! -88 571 56) 56 58 58 58 59 60 60 9i 20 7 25 i 19 i 71 241 7 Help Wanted Female 311! 31 25 271! SHORT OF CASH lot that spoil your plants I advance you up to $300 right now nd you can hav plenty of time to repay in small monthly installments out your future income Get in touch with us today Loans on your Own Signature Come in Write or 'Phone PERSONAL FINANCE CO Of Bristol Small Loan Corporatlon-85 Dominion Nat'l Bank Bldg 3rd floor PHONEs BRISTOL 0-8 Loans Made In Abingdon Damascus Marlon 25 26 i 27 24 23 24 WANTED: GIRL TO KEEP house and care for child Good references XYZ pare Herald Courier 5-lf-7 251 26 27 27 Std Oil Cal Std Oil Ind Std Oil Stewart-Warn Stone Web Studebaker Swift Co Tenn Corp Texas Corp Tex Gulf Sul Thomp Prod Thop Star Tide Wat As Timk Roll IB Transamer Tr West Air Tw Cen Fox Union Carb Un Oil Cal Unit Airl vtc Un Airer Co Unit Corp Unit Gas Imp Gypsum Leather Rubber July 89 Dec 57 1 May 58 July 59j 60 I Oats: Dec 25 May 271! July 27 Dec 1 47 May 50) July 52 Barley: Dec (Unquoted May 43 Lard: Dec 1250 Jan 1242 Mar 1245 May jl230 3 3 mi nj 67 66 13 121 14 14 30! 29( 29) 7311 72 73 211! 21 48 47i 47 51) SO 51 52 51 51 NEAT LADY UNDER 25 YEARS to travel to Florida with sales group We train and pay transportation and expenses while learning Apply Mr Gillespie Hotel Bristol 5-lt-7 63 Legal Notices CHICAGO Dec 4 6352 firm creamery-spe cials (93 score) 33 3-4-34 1-4 extras (92) 33 1-4 extra firsts (90-91) 32 3-4-33 firsts (88-89) 31-32 seconds (86-87) 30 stand ards (90 centralized carlots) 32 3-4 Eggs 1359 steady extra firsts 30 fresh graded firsts 29 current receipts 27-28 refrigera tor extras 22 1-4 standards 22 firsts 21 1-2 Butter futures storage stand ards Dec 31 7-8 storage standards Jan 31 3-4 Bristol Norton Bus Lin Lv Bristol 8:00 a 12:01 2:30 Lv Abingdon 8:30 a 12:30 3:30 5:45 Lv Hansonville 9:05 a 1:05 3:45 6:15 Lv SL Paul 9:45 a 1:45 4:30 7:00 Lv Coebum 10:20 a 2:20 5:05 7:35 at Norton 10:40 a 2:45 5:30 8:00 Lv Norton 11:00 2:45 5:30 7:45 a Lv Jenkins 12:15 4:00 6:45 pm 0:15 a Ar Pikeville 1 330 5:15 8:00 pm 10:30 a Lv Pikeville 5:30 8:00 11:30 a 3:00 Ar Jenkins 6:45 0:19 12:45 a 4:15 -Ar Norton 8:00 10:30 2:06 a 5:30 lv Norton 7:20 a 10:30 2:00 5:30 Ar Bristol 10:05 a 1:00 4:35 8:10 UNION BUS TERMINAL MOTOR TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Corner Fourth and Stata Streets Leaving BRISTOL lor: ASHEVILLE 7J0 UL 1:00 nv 6:00 BLIZABETHTON JOHNSON CITY and ERWIN 7 JO a 11:00 a 1:00 3:45 6:00 ROAN MOUNTAIN TENN ELK PARK BANNER ELK and BOONE 11:00 a 3:45 BLOWING ROCK LENOIR HICKORY CHARLOTTE SALISBURY and STATESVILLE 11:00 a 2:45 AUGUSTA GA GREENVILLE JACKSONVILLE 7:30 a 1:00 6:00 ra SPRUCE PINE and BURNSVILLE 7:30 a ATLANTA 7:30 a ra 1:00 6:00 to Inquire of ticket agent for fare and for Information regarding schedule UNION BUS STATION 1211 111 23 22 7j 6 lfll 1611 17 83 82 83 9)1 9 9 15) 141 15 STAPLE PRICES NEW YORK Dec 4 The Associated Press wholesale price index of 20 basic commodities today advanced to 7607 Previous day 7570 week ago 7535 month ago 7490 year ago 6940 Range of recent years: 1935 1934 1933 High 7654 7255 6410 Low 6914 5661 3837 (1926 average equals 100) I I 1-43 1 1250 12421237 123 124512371237 Cash wheat no sales reported corn No 4 mixed 54 No 5 mix ed 51-52 No 4 yellow 53-54 No 5 yellow 50-53i No 4 white 551 No 5 white 521-541 sample grade 39-49 oats No 3 white 27 No 4 white 25 sample grade 23-24 No rye buckwheat No 1 105 soy beans No 2 yellow 83 net Chicago No 3 yellow 811 No 4 yellow 80 barley actual sales No 2 72 nominal feed 30-42 malting 40-81 timothy seed 300-25 cwt clover seed 1200-1750 cwt Lard tierces 1275 loose 1212 bellies 1902 DRY GOODS NEW YORK Dec 4 Trading in cotton goods was moderately active today and prices were firm Wool goods continued to sell in fair volume with mills busy on existing contracts Rayon yarns were in moderate demand Raw silk prices advanced 3 cents a pound the rise retarding the placing of business Burlap markets were higher on reports of the lowest stocks in years vOn Wednesday January 8th 1936 I will sell the property belonging to the Johnson City Shale Brick Corporation in Johnson City Tennessee consisting of 51-43-100 acres of land upon which is located twelve (12) down draft kilns and one continuous gas fired kiln containing eighteen chambers with a productive capacity of 120000 brick per day also all necessary machinery equipment and buildings which are a part of the plant and are covered by the deed of trust under which this sale will be made Said property will be sold free from liens except state county and city taxes and on the following terms: One-third cash the balance in six and twelve months a lien being retained on the property to secure the deferred payments together with personal sui ety on the purchase money note BRAD1NG Reciver for Johnson City Shale Brick Corp Johnson City I COFFEE NEW YORK Dec 4 Further trade hedge lifting against reported sales of spots caused coffee to advance to new high ground for the current movement today Closing quotations Santos Dec 793 Mch 803 May 807 July 810 Sep 815 No 7 Dec 469 Mch 492 May 506 July 518 Sep 528 1 Spot coffee steady Wilson Co 8 8 Woolworth 5 56 56 Wor 24 231 23 Wor pf A 57 56 56 YelTrk 8 71! 7 Yng 37 3511 361 (Note: Persona desiring further quotations please mall requests to Msrket Editor Bristol Herald Courier) CREAM QUOTATIONS No 1 cream 32c and no 2 cream 30c (Quotations fum- WOOL BOSTON Dec 4 (JP) (USDA) moderate quantities of the finer grades of territory i wools were moved at steady prices Original lines of bulk 64s and finer territory wools brought mostly 79-81 cents scour-Pd basis for average to good French combing staple and 77-78 ents for average to short French jmbing Graded 58s 60s 1-2 flood territory wools were sold 78-2 cents scoured basis for strictly combing and at 75-78 ents for French combing SUGAR NEW YORK Dec 4 Raw sugar was unchanged today at 310 with no sales reported Futures reacted under liquidation and hedge selling Final prices were 1 to 2 points net lower In refined prices locally were NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK Dec 4 (JP) Cotton was reactionary today under realizing and southern sell ing Mch contracts sold off to 1163 or about 7 points net lower and were ruling around 1164 ln the mid-afternoon mar ket which was quiet at net declines of to 13 points People who throw away litter on the streets of Munich Germany are fined on the spot Maid Dairy ished by Southern Products Corp).

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Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.