Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)

4 I 1. Rocky Mount Telegram FRIDAY June 7, 1996; Page 6B Classified Kiwanis name Terrific Kids at local schools oli If 0 ft 4 Mil' as Co a IP f. 7 i C- i tl tl si A 2 a i a a 1 1 1 I i i 6 IP" I I i I TelegramClifton Hughes TelegranvClifton Hughe These Terrific Kids are students at Williford Elementary School These Terrific Kids are students at Hubbard Elementary School turn ''J TelegramClifton Hughe TelegramClifton Hughes These Terrific Kids are in grades K-2 at Englewood Elementary School These Terrific Kids are in grades 3-5 at Englewood Elementary School i.n.Mii.uj..Tawrn 340-Bus. Prop for Sale 350-Resort 360-Real Estate Wanted 205-Musical 210-Produce 220-Farm Equipment 225-Pets 235-Poultrv Auto Row. 5 lines7 days, 20 words or less, $24.95.

(Price includes Tarboro Telegram, Twin Co. Want Wilson Want Ads.) 010-Notice 020-Personak 025-Services 030-Thanks 040-Lost Found 180-Auctions 370-Business Opportunities -j- -1 -I H- 380-MoneyToLend Phone 446-5161. Ask for Michelle Parker, ext. 223; Angie Hodges, ext. 222; Bruce Cook, ext 219 Fax us at 446-4057 Mail your ad to us.

Our address is: Rocky Mount Telegram, P.O. Box 1080, Rocky Mount, N.C. 27802 or stop by in person at 150 Howard Street 241- Lots for Rent 242- Room Board 245-Apartments 247-House Rentals 257-Office Rentals 270-Mobile Homes I lAHBiBBBHgg- 120-Beauty Shops 130-Tobacco 140-Appliances 150-Antiques 160-Yard Sales 165-Live Stock 170-ForSale 175-Firewood 185-WantedToBuy 195-Boats 2 p.m. the day prior to day of publication 2 p.m. Thursday for Friday.

11 a.m. Wednesday for Thursday's Motoring section. 11 a.rru FridforSaturday and Sunday's publications. Display ads: Two days prior to day of publication. 550-Business Director 050-Medical 060-Help Wanted 070-SalesHelp 080-Jobs 090-Child Care 250-Farm Rentals 260-Business Property 275-Mobile Home Sales 280-Mobile Home Lots 290-House For Sale 295-Comm.

Property 300-Lots For Sale 305-Investment Property 310-Farms "Sales" 320-Acreage 330-Office Sales 600-Legals Pre-payment is required on all ads unless credit has been established. You cart pay with cash, check, money order or one of the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. HQ-Instruction 622-Junior Glassifieds Yard sales: 4 p.m. Wednesday. 190-Wanted To Rent 240-ForRent The Telegram's office hours are 8 a.m.

to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The telephone lines are open until 5:30 p.m. For items up to $1,000: 5 lines7 days, 20 words or less, $24.95. (Price includes Tarboro Telegram, Twin Co. Want Wilson Want Ads.) 470-Chrysler 475-Dodge 480-Ford 485-Mercuiy 490-Oldsmobile Start with the item you are selling.

List the features. Include the. price and your telephone number. 420-KV Vehicles 425-Trucks 430-Motorcycles 455-Buidt 46(WiclilJac 4650wvrolet 500-Automotive 505-Plymouth 510-Pontiac 515-Lincoln 520-ForeignCars 525-Vans 530-Nissan 565-Mitsubishi 535-Toyota 570-Volvo 540-Mazda 575-Volkswagon 580-Hyundai 555-Honda 7 585-Satum 560-Acuia 1 For a better deal THE NEW BLLE MERCURY The Fastest Growing Dealer in Eastern NC Pontiac Cadillac Isuzu Honda Why Pay More? Pay J.C. Harris a visit.

J.C. Harris, Pontiac, Cadillac, Subaru, Isuzu PLACE YOUR AD HERE FOR ONLY $4.75 PER DAY $5.00 SUNDAY CALL 446-51 61 TODAY TO GET YOUR AD STARTED If You Are Reading This Others Will Be Too. Call Classifieds Jo Start Your Ad Today. 446-5161 Hwy. 64 Winstead Avenue Ext.

937-7500 Alan Vester FordHonda Roanoke Rapids 1-800-849-0157 459-2138 1-8C0404-2138 Dvoiipoi Pea'! ill uuij.iimri UAL 22 LOST brief case, black, zlppered. Oak Level area toward Tarboro, Old 4, REWARD, NEED UR-OENTLYI Call 442-0360. YOUNG gentleman In rs seeking an attractive female, 35-45, for companionship to be a pal, buddy and frelnd to enoy the summer, beach, flea markets and dining out. Non-smoker, drug-free. (Prefer a Christian person).

CaU 72 IOT. MODEL INSTRUCTOR Previous Instruction experience. Neat appearance. 20hrs per month. Excellent compensation.

Immediate opening. Call Karen tlt-440-1411 leave message. Mortgage Originator PUBLIC NOTICt EDGECOMBE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET HEARING Public will takt notice that the W9t-17 Budget has been presented to the Board of Commissioners of Edoecembe County and copy of the proposed budget Is available tor public NOTICE TO EDGECOMBE COUNTY RESIDENTS The Edgecombe County Board of Education is hereby giving notice that persons interested in submitting a request for the transfer or I 1 inspection in tns office of the Clerk to the Board, Room 233, Administrative Building, 201 St. Andrew Street, Tarboro, NC from (:00 a.m. to OD p.m., Monday through Friday.

The public will also take notice that the Board of Commissioners will conduct a Public Hearing on the proposed budget on Monday, June (7, 1m at 7:00 p.m. In the Commissioner's Room, Administrative Building. 1 St. Andrew Street, Tarboro, NC, at which time any person who wishes to be heard on the budget may appear. Any person attending the Hearing shall have the right to present written or oral comments concerning the Proposed Budget.

This the 4th day of June, ltSe. Mary E. Brewer Clerk to the Board 0407 DOVE HEALTHCARE, Inc. Is accepting applications for CNA positions In Nash 4 Edgecombe Counties. Call 1 00-664-36)3 Mon-Frl 1:30 am to 4:30 pm for information.

BOLD ft BEAUTIFUL OPEN 24 Hours. Beeutlful dates of you choice within the hour. 45Q-U46 iry.iiia.i'.'iMJn -n release of their child(ren) to a school other than the school they are designated to attend by school attendance lines should have their CASH! For Homeowners 1st 1 2nd mertgeees available for any purpose. Credit proMemt understood. Lew rates for good credit.

l-IM-t2i-lSS1 Lighthouse Mortgage. Manucurist Needed Call 4SQ-2W1 ATTENTION EXPERIENCED SUB-CONTRACTORS: Wetl as-tebllshed metal building contractor needs Installers. Steady year-around work, excellent per. all work In Eastern NC. Must have truck, tools, Insurance.

Framing and Lay-out experience neccessary. Call simshmi ask for Joe Dyer. ATTN! Part-timers looking for 10-15 hours per week. Flexible scheduling. Daysweekends, Starting pay S6J0hr.

We train vou to become an Inventory auditor. Call 752-1204 on 11, WH for more details EOE. BARTENDING Mixology School Become CERTIFIED In 2 weeks. Work In exciting piacee NAVE FUN MAKE MONEY- 800-430-2520 It People whs want to lose weight, feel good, and make money, Pleese write or call. Trinity Opportunity Marketing, 2640 S.

400 W. Topeka, IN 44571, 00-434-0007 pin no 1350. request to the Central Office (412 Pearl Street, Tarboro) by June 14, 1996, at the following address: buying idling Student Transfers, P.O. Box 7128, Tarboro, NC 27886 Experience preferred, high commission scale. Call H5-2727 ask for James.

MUSIC DIRECTOR-ACCOMPANISTt send resume of call Ephesus Bsotlst Church, 7324 West Old Spring Hope Spring Hope, NC 27M2. 471-3652. NAIL Operator fc Hairstyles wanted. Apply person at Lady Elegant, 143 Hunter Hill Rd. NEEDED Experienced middle aged woman to help elderly couple.

Sat. Sun, to fc 5pm to 7pm. Refer-ences required. Cell 443-2430. NEED Mature Black female.

4S-5S, to be a companion for elderly woman In her home. Must have tronsportatlon. Enfield area. Tina, 445-3307. Student Transfer request forms are available at the Central Office and FATHER'S DAY-CARDS Create Your Own Verses (tl)45-lS47 S-IOpm Sat.

11-lan at each school administrative office. The Edgecombe County Board of Education will consider transfer requests submitted to the Central Office by June 14, 1996, at a specially ft Food Stores Leaking hilt time summer employment OPININ35 NOW. Cashiers 2nd and 3rd Shifts. Must be able to work full time. Benefit package.

Apply: li Food Stores Nashville 45S-4475 or any L1L Food Stores scheduled meeting in July, HERBAL MAXI Amazing all natural, weightless product I High energy, fat loss and total nutrltlonl For details write: American Dream, po Box 1266, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27170 CALL TODAY 446-5161 iine 3, 4, 5,6,7,869, 1996 LOST I Around Frailer Court. Black and Brown long-haired cat. Front paws declawed. RE-WARDI If found cell 4S1-M55..

Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)


Where is the Rocky Mount Telegram? ›

Founded as The Evening Telegram by Joshua Lawrence Horne III in 1910 in offices on Main Street in downtown Rocky Mount, the newspaper later moved its operations a few blocks away to Howard Street, where it continued to publish a daily paper until relocating to Tiffany Square in 1998.

Why is Rocky Mount famous? ›

Rocky Mount State Historic Site is home of the famous Cobb house and other historic structures and is well-known for its service as the capital of the Southwest Territory in the late 1700s.

What is the ethnicity of Rocky Mount NC? ›

Black or African American: 62.15% White: 29.73% Two or more races: 3.69% Other race: 2.69%

What is the nickname for Rocky Mount, NC? ›

The Twin City

This was also the site of Rocky Mount Mills, one of the first cotton mills in North Carolina which was established in 1818. Though the mill closed its doors in 1996, Rocky Mount is bustling many businesses, attractions, restaurants, and accommodations.

Where is the Rocky Mountain Trench located? ›

They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Rocky Mountain Trench, geological depression extending north-northwest for about 900 miles (1,400 km) from western Montana, U.S., south of Flathead Lake, through British Columbia, Can., to the headwaters of the Yukon River.

Where is the Rocky Mountains location? ›

The Rocky Mountains of North America, or the Rockies, stretch from northern Alberta and British Columbia in Canada southward to New Mexico in the United States, a distance of some 3,000 miles (4,800 kilometres).

Why is Rocky Mountain famous? ›

Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the highest national parks in the nation, with elevations from 7,860 feet to 14,259 feet. Sixty mountain peaks over 12,000 feet high result in world-renowned scenery. The Continental Divide runs north - south through the park, and marks a climatic division.

Is Rocky Mount, NC a good place to live? ›

Rocky Mount is a nice convenient area to live with 2 major road systems, I95 and HWY 64 making travel easy. However, the city itself is expensive to live in with high taxes and utility bills. It has a high crime rate.

What is the crime rate in Rocky Mount NC? ›

Rocky Mount Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes4731,486
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)8.7627.51

Why are people moving to Rocky Mount NC? ›

Both home sellers and buyers in the area say affordability and low cost-of-living are driving people to make the move to Rocky Mount. The study from measured the most-searched places in America to buy homes over the first three months of 2022. Coming in at number four: Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

What is the poverty rate in Rocky Mount NC? ›

19.6% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Rocky Mount, NC (10.5k out of 53.3k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%.

Is Rocky Mount, NC a big city? ›

It is the principal city of the Rocky Mount metropolitan area, often called the "Twin Counties"; which had an estimated population of 145,383 in 2023. Rocky Mount is also an anchor city of the Rocky Mount-Wilson-Roanoke Rapids, NC Combined Statistical Area, which had an estimated population of 288,366 in 2023.

Is Rocky Mount NC urban or rural? ›

North Carolina's Large Urban Areas in North Carolina
Urban AreaPopulationWater Area (Sq. Mi.)
Rocky Mount63,2970.08
Pinehurst/Southern Pines50,3191.37
16 more rows
Jan 9, 2023

What is Rocky Mount NC known for? ›

The city has one of the world's largest bright-leaf tobacco markets, and its diversified manufactures include pharmaceuticals, textiles, furniture, fabricated metals, and chemicals. North Carolina Wesleyan College, founded in 1956, is there.

Is Rocky Mount, NC bigger than Greenville, NC? ›

Greenville came in as 10th biggest, followed by Jacksonville at 14, and Rocky Mount at 15.

Where is the telegram set? ›

The story is set in a small Scottish rural community during World War Two. It opens with the two main characters, a fat woman, Sarah and a thin woman drinking tea and gazing out of the window.

Where is the Columbus telegram located? ›

1254 27th Avenue Columbus, Nebraska

Where is the Rocky Mountains on the plates? ›

Most mountain ranges occur at tectonically active spots where tectonic plates collide (convergent plate boundary), move away from each other (divergent plate boundary), or slide past each other (transform plate boundary), The Rockies, however, are located in the middle of a large, mostly inactive continental interior ...

Where are Rocky Mounts? ›

RockyMounts is a Colorado company and we love to call it home. It is a place that makes you appreciate where you've been and where you might go. Relocating to Grand Junction and the Western Slope has given us a little more elbow room and new backyard trails.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.