Visalia Times-Delta from Visalia, California (2024)

,10 isalia OLDEST NEWSPAPER IN THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY THE WEATHER Joaquin Valley Partly cloudy toda). fair tonight; Increasing cloudiness Wednesday followed by showers; littla temperature change, low tonight 27-33. High yesterday 63; low 32. TODAY'S SHORT STORY The Indians In the United States speak 56 distinct languages almost as many as their pale-face brothers. VISALIA, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1948 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XI NO.

131 ft -x- iA "'Vj V'1 pflinS: Kace Issue WASHINGTON. Feb. 1 CTV-ltcp. Abernethy (D-Miss asked today that southern governors march on Washington for and demand a "show down with Democratic party leaders on the race issue. He made the proposal in a telegram to Governor Fielding Wright of Mississippi.

Dixie Democrats were fighting mad over President 1 Trumans call for laws against (lynching and racial discrimination. During an outburst on the floor. Rep. Williams (D-Miss) accused the President of stabbing his southern friends in the back. Some southerners talked of calling a Dixie convention to split away from the President on the civil rights issue.

Abernethy telegraphed Governor Wright: "The time has arrived for concerted action and for all true 'southerners to stand tip and be counted Demo Party Hit "The Republicans dont give a Seamen Oppose Transfer Of U. S. Ships WASHINGTON. Feb. 3.

IF) Joseph Curran. CIO Maritime Committee head, told senators today that the administration has "written off the American Merchant Meat Rationing Plan Refused By Senators 1953 Deadline Set For Starting Court House Hydes Put 5-Year Limit On Beginning Construction WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. (JP) A Senate banking subcommittee today voted against authorizing the government to get ready for meat rationing. Chairman Flanders (R-Vt) told reporters the vote was three to two against his bill to let the Agricul- ture Department set up rationing machinery.

Marine in the Marshall Plan. oot about us and from the accum-Curran testified before the Sen-julation of Insults over the years ate foreign relations committee in summarized and restated in yes-opposition to the recovery pro-'terdays message (by President grams provision for transfer it is apparent that our 50o merchant ships to 16 western Democratic leaders care less European nations. -I dont intend to take these in As he testified group of dem-jsuits lying down onstrators carrying banner ln-i urge jjiat southern governors, scribed Marshall Plan means an immediate audience and men starve and Stop ship trans-. ference wilh party lcadcrs ln. fers paraded in front of the State Washlngton for a showdown." I Hear Proposal To Consolidate arranged by the CIO National Maritime Union and other groups J-ox esterday AssrtimT'thriTiobrfhalf "W'hen I read this message Ij County Counsel Leroy McCormick presented a report to the boarded by any competition," the county million Americans are at stake wnder after all Henry Wallace supervisors this morning in which he urged the consolidation ofj ffieers reported.

"The design pre- Curran proposed amendment of sufh a bad man- Tbe the Visalia library with the county sjstem. I- r. attacks people from the section oil CoDies of the report were also forw The Tulare County Board of Supervisors were tola this morning that the Hyde Development company w'ould deed the 15-acre site in West Visalia to the county providing the construction of a court house is commenced on or before February 1, 1953. In a report of negotiations with the Hydes, as ordered by the supervisors, County Planner Earl In-grim and County Counsel Leroy McCormick wrote that the Hydes had also agreed to abandon the architectural competition which had at first been plan. It was noted in the report this morning that the Hyde family had selected II.

B. Campbell and associates of Compton as their architect, while the county has a contract with David Horn, Visalia and a stipulation in the (pared by Ingrim and Campbell is the European to- people from the section ofj Copies of the report were also forwarded to the Visalia city satisfactory to the Hyde Develop- S' riS Drouth-Plagued State Asked To Use Less Power Associated Press) Power users in drouth-plagued California were asked today to join in a voluntary reduction in electricity to conserve water supplies normally used for generating purposes. Even as the appeal was made weather forecasts heralded tht approach of a major storm from the Pacific Ocean of drouth-breaking proportions. A second round of snow, hail and rain peppered the state again today, but not enough to materially affect critical water shortages. The appeal for voluntary power reduction was disclosed by Gov.

Earl Warren. Water Conservation Asked Pacific Gas Electric, the states major power supplier, had notified him, he said, it was appealing to its customers for voluntarl cuts in domestic use of electricity. "This ought to convince everyone of the necessity of conserving every bit of water in California, Warren said. An extended forecast, timed at 10 a. said: A storm now forming off the Washington coast will move southeastward during the next two days, bringing sufficient rain and snow to central and northern California to break the drouth which has prevailed for the past month.

"A strong high pressure system now over Alaska will follow the storm and bring some of the coldest weather of the winter, about Friday and Saturday. Rain Forecast For Tomorrow The extended forecast for central and northern California was: Rain Wednesday and Thursday? moderate to heavy snow in mountains; clearing and much colder Thursday night with frost or freezing temperatures Friday and Saturday; rain probably again Sunday. The northern section already had been moistened slightly the past (Continued on Pagre Three) He said he and Senator Sparkman (D-Ala) voted for the measure. Against it were Senators Capehart (R-Ind), Buck (R-Del) and Willis Robertson (D-Va). Proposal Appears Defeated The subcommittees recommendation against the measure goes now to the full banking committee.

It could override the smaller group, but that appears unlikely. The action came shortly after the administration had asked Congress again to keep rent controls and to give it power to fix prices for meat and other foods and to ration them, if need be. The subcommittees action un- recovery program derscored the present dim pros- Require that all shipments the country whose support he must eounCii and Supervisor Roscoe Patterson moved that the board dis- jment company and they are willing jpects for the kind of anti-inflation have if he is to be re-elected. The, cuss the DroDCsal with the council, to follow the Dlan generally. legislation President Truman be carried in American ships cuss the proposal with the council, to follow the plan FIRST Virginia Orr 9f Novato, first of hundreds of S'oungsters who are entering their prize livestock in 1948 Grand National Junior Livestock exposition and arena show to be held in San Franciscos Cow Pal-lace March 20.

Virginia is shown with her Guernsey heifer calf, "Punky. (NEA Telephoto.) Supervisor Jay Brown of the; "It is suggested tbit Horn be wants: 2 Ban the further sale of ves- "10 thing saddens and sickens. me. ses to foreign countries. 3 Screen steel exports "so that, the American ship builJing Indus Council Studies Plan Charge Cubs Rent to All Southern Convention Asked One deep south senator who ask Fifth csirict inquired if all other, directed to confer with Campbell libraries in county cities would and make immediate suggestions ikewise move to be taken into the' as to the development of the tract county system if the isalia pro the type and general layout of i measures being considered by the posal were followed.

McCormicklthe building, plans and specifica-j banking committee. It simply said that it was possible that this tions to follow as time permits. jwould authorize the Agriculture added that it A completion will involve antDepartment to make all necessary two. Porter- expenditure of a sum of money preparations for meat rationing. It Fare Three) be up to congress to dicide trv Is not starved while foreign cd not to be quoted by name Mpards reach new peaks." reporter that present plans are Taken together, the proposals ask the conference of southern RSCrBOtlOn iBTu to transfer at least 500 vessels to governors to call an all-southern Council To Amend Ordinance Dealing Wilh Tank Trucks City councilmen Monday night! voted for the introduction of an amendment to the present ordi- "Uld be PUnance to allow tank trucks with 1200-gallon gasoline compartments Mr.

Truman has asked Congress 'to Pnfpr the oitv for standby power to restore ra- ask for adequate funds for ship-'pick its own candidate for presi- 'rcnf for the first tune for using. Duplication Eliminated dding in his budget message dent. But the main objective would mi 1 ark. Mon. McCormick argued further that Tfl Pptllffl monstrate that the to work out some iy to h-1 t.

favoruch consolidation would eliminate, 8 15 IU KBimilC an hold at 'h "li of duplication of effort and 1 111 I e- electoral votes from Mr. Truman, ox IT. A. NSfil 1 9 Qfl( un or President Truman not! Such a political demonstrate has written off the American Merchant Marine. Curran de- The governors will meet at Tal- use of -the ball park by the Cubs.

on confusion to library patrons. foreign registries and the de- convention. it, gathering could to bu t.on dared. Cut lo Plan Opposed lahassee. Friday.

They are Another CIO official senators th3t a deep cut Rrnwn Caa Cub, arriveisoon as CTO would follow hut vuiliV Cuhs mav have to nav vvoldd onlv Include isaha Cubs may have to pas The councllmen decided to meetvew of the told the certain to take up Mr. Trumans with Charley Togni, Pete Shep-house plans he in lh herd and Clem Buckman. three necessary that of lkc; menjvho have bec interested in rched ontheisaRa gjve Qrowers 500n Following is the Pr evident Philip Murray at some decision should be charged. iler by salia proposed new court; tioning and wage-price controls on a selective basis, if and when" he decided this is necessary. Continued rent control also is on Mr.

Trumans program. Congressional leaders have indicated that probably will be approved in some said that it Rpflln 111 fotiafo some decision be Deg III III JCllSlC library as WASnixGTON- Feb 3 WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. text of the let-effort to get contractors McCormick to the on tbe Friant-Kern MP) An back at canal of form.

Merv Shea, president of the council and presented to Central Valley project in Cali-Cubs, will be in town until the end surrvisors this morning. jfornia was begun today by a Sen- of the week. i The county of Tulare Is now ate committee. aul a b'h of as much as SI. Tft nnttf raid IIT Coo.OCo.UflO would make it "mere- iMlUYl I UlC Ul ly a relief program and nothing more.

A the hearings resumed, the Plan The city governing- group also voted to require Fire Chief Walter Hood to issue permits and set up routes for bulk trucks to follow in delivering large loads of gas into the city. Oilmen have appeared at pre-i vious meetings urging the council to erase from the. books what one of them described as an "obsolete ordinance requiring tank trucks not to exceed 600 gallons in capacity. The city had stood pat against changing the ordinance since they had not been convinced that new clipper tank trucks would not perhaps drive the small gasoline operator out of business. They also believed that the "clipper trucks might be unsafe in delivering several loads of gasoline on one run to filling stations inside the city limits.

Four Are Injured Aulo Crashes Four received minor injuries in automobile accidents on county highways Monday, the highway patrol reports. John Hill, 24, of Dinuba, Lois Patzkowski, 19, and Mrs, Henry Patzkowski of Parlier were injured- at 6:15 p. m. on Conejo Boulevard near Dinuba when Lois Representatives of two San backed up her fathers car at an Francisco oil companies said it was intersection to read a road sign. SACRAmENTO.

Feb. 3. '11 town i location of the courthouse, the ca appropriation was made by Olive growers and processor may, Al two suggestions were question of the location of in December for the know by the end of the week-maje tbp councilmen: 'county library must receive first whether the Caldornia olive will, A flat rate of $1,000 yearly. consideration. At the present time But the contractors refused to jbe advertised across the U.

S. to An ut invate rent with one- the county library is housed on resume work unless paid for the encourage Americans to eat more lhird pald perhaps the first the lower floor of the courthouse expense of time lost and increased of them. ear two-thirds the second year and ln the old Masonic building C05-ts due be shutdown. NEVADA CITY. Feb.

3l The checking ofvtlie ballots and the ful amounl lke third year the street from the court-1 The bureau contends it has no rq- Joseph L. Hardy. 24-ear-ohl marked by olive industry men on is is generally known that the house. authority to agree to such adjust- ments. The contractors went before the Army deserter from North Kittery- proposed marketing agreement is ub, ujjj a paying proposition sentenced to life impris- nearing completion and results will Other Counties Cited Burton K.

Wheeler Named Director Of AFL Politics Group MIAMI, Feb. (JFy AFL President William Green today announced the selection of Burton K. Wheeler, former Democratic senator from Montana, as director of the AFLs new political league in the coming elections. The post will pay $10,000, Green said. Wheeler will appear before the 30-member administrative committee of the newly-formed league here tomorrow.

The committee Me was jn Visalia if last years attendance onment today for shooting to death uun be announced, sa'd any criterion. The county library is not us- ually required to be in the court- fenae appropriations subcommlt a California motorist in a bizarre Kuhrt of the State Agriculture One councilman said the Cubs house and in fact probably should lee handling Interior Department "sev-lurc robbery. partmeni ttxiay. 'have made a considerable invest-; be in a building by itself and and s84611 Hardy' 22-ear-old common law The deadline for mailing in the mcnt jn tbe Hecreation Park. He cated where it can best serve the! fnars.

Downey (D) and Know-ite. li Hunt Hardy, in an earl- vote was Jan. 15 but the tcchni- jd tVrigley Field officials In patrons of the county. In the coun- a'ad HI), both of California, and fc I. t.

I I 1 AthAW MS AmhAKS Af I Pi A AA iM AA otbpr members of the committee In backing into Conejo, she placed the car broadside on the boulevard where Hill, driving a N. E. Madsen Spray company truck from Dinuba, hit the Patzkowski car, not the intention of the "clipper trucks to make several stops in discharging their total load but preferably one stop. They stated that large-capacity clipper were Board of Fire Underwriters as safe. i xraTinnai endorsed by the National ier separate trul 4 sentenced to cahtie of checking the had ent $8 000 fixmg the ty of Tulare all of the county is still must, approve the selection me in San Qacntln ga chamber tion of caih producer nd proecs- park year lor her part the erotic have deia.ved announcement of uas also out that the said they had called todays sessionjof the executive council, but Green to try to work out a program to indicated that would be a formality.

the disPte The AFL head said the war-time We ar ready to resume work isoiationist views of ex-Senator Both were tried by jurie of ix the result, said the marketing bu- Cubs pald qulle a sum for the con- T- Drinillalft struttion of a fence around the ball Lily IU t-1 1 Li I I and tit women, but llardy reau chief. The agreement on Feb. 10 if we are given an adjustment for the shutdown and for increased costs, testified W. C. Fraser, counsel for one firm of setting contractors.

If we dont get it we men escaped the mandatory death pen- proposed pro- parl por tbls reason, the city alty for first degree murder when vide for; council didnt feel that they should Mnui InnivicionC hi jury recommended mercy. No Spending some S.M.000 a year t-jjarg the Cubs any rent last year lCY JUUUIYIjIUllj recor, endatnm wa made in Loi to publicize CalifomU olive to of lhf Jear tforp, convwtiua. maintain consumption of the do- They were charged with shoot- mestic product despite importa-' leg to death James V. McLain. 43, turns from the Mediterranean.

Mrifhpr I rjpr In If ill Veteran Administration employe Naming of an administration I IUIIU1 1 1 IwJ I VJ llii cd San Fernando, after luring bnn board of seven producer and A subdivision ordinance forth a wide scope of ments which future tmust follow was introduced city council meeting Monday according to patrol officers. Hill iWas taken to a Dinuba doctor and the Pafczkowskis were taken to Kingsburg for treatment. The 19-year-old girl driver was cited for backing when not safe to do so, by investigating officers Eugene T. Davidson and Richard D. Kimble.

Lawrence Moy, 32, of Exeter, was taken to Woodlake for treatment of injuries following a crack-up on Highway 65, one mile north of Auckland Monday about 4:15 p. m. Driving a car registered to Leta Simmons of Exeter, Moy ran off the west side of a sharp left turn and landed in a 30-foot gulley, according to Kimble and Davidson. America textbook series require-i subdividers at the will walk off the job. Senators Downey and Knowland they Insisted work be gotten Wheeler would not interfere with the political objectives of the labor organization, because they were primarily to bring about repeal of the Taft-Hartley act.

Wheeler was defeated for re-election in 1946, despite the personal endorsem*nt of John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers chiefj the state legislative committee on and friend of the Montanans un-American activities, said here among the miners of that state, last night that more than 100 Lewis is no longer in the AFL, so writers of the widely discussed ti an isolated mountain meadow seven processor, near Truckee lat July on their Elimination of the lowest grade promise of a sexual Interlude with of olives the substandard now night, under way as quickly as possible. Sweeping provisions in the new! Downey said the shutdown was ordinance would require subdi-J unnecessary'. CIIAMBERSBURG, Feb. I help the city foot the) Knowland said the delay in work IV-A 26-year-old mother pleaded lcost of sewer pipe installations twould put heavy additional costs guilty today to a charge of assault1 and he paving of streets in newon farmers along the canal.

sabdivislons. Such things as the length Takes Own Life placed on the market. Lot. had no direct hand in the choice. Inyokern Missile Building have records of Communist affiliations.

Combs said the committee has prepared a 132-page report showing the Communist activities of the authors and reciting examples Bakery Wage Dispute May Be Arbitrated FRESNO. Leb. 2. cT Raker Gillain held Mrs. Helen Harper Local Union 43 I thinking of sub- Mtlroy in default of $2,500 bond.

with attempt to kill by pushing pin into the babys skull. Justice of the Peace John illain held Mrs. Helen Harper blocks, easem*nts, lot r) RaU of, and ai mentioned in the With Dynamite In Belt 1 new ordinance. ROANOKE. Feb.

3. OP) edj Exceeds Sound Speed mitting to arbitration Its contract The woman, estranged from her Considerable ork has already William B. Straightiff, 31, placed renegotiation dispute with central husband since July, said in a sworn done Attorney 1 I a stick of dynamite In his belt NA VC ORDINANCE TEST STA-! Commumst propaganda San Joaquin valley baking com- statement that she Inserted a two- feemster dra.ting a "rough or-last night and blew himself to TION, INYOKERN, Feb. 3. Tne stae superintendent of; panics.

John Patterson union busi- inch safety pin into the 10-day-old dhiance. It "as indicated that the bits. (g) A missile propelled by as contended this ser-, ness agent, said today. babys head, at feeding time Sun-' cHy council will make a few chang-, A girl companion who saw it largest ram jet engine ever flown ies contains no Communist propa- AA in Vl A nezi StViVA ini ezvitl AAzI 1 1 1 1 I. 4nl4 Lin AVI es in the ordinance introduced told told police she had pleaded with Patterson said a meeting this day.

adding: has attained supersonic speed on Sanf a Combs his audience its first test flight, the Navy says. reserve officers. But after I had checked the books and run The nature of the missile was down the bibii0graphies i have not disclosed nor was the speed it concIuded that i have never seen reached. However, a Navy spokes-, so mucb Communist propaganda. week left company and union rep- "i just decided that If I could onday niplt before giving it fm-.

Straightiff not to carry out a sui resentatives just as far apart as not have the baby no one else Passae- I cide threat. ever in the matter of a wage hike, could. i He said the company suggested an She explained that her mother.1 tsUC Altimarrlal Aiif A arbiter be named to decide the already caring for two of the Harp-jLcnilCly PldllcQCI Jay5 LUllini6rUal j6aQ8 merits of the dispute and that both er children, told her she could not sides commit themselves to his bring the third child home, recommendation. Chambersburg hospital attache Bakers in Fresno. Kings.

Tulare. 'said the pin entered the folds of Charge Will Keep Industry Out Of Cily Opposition to an i a edumped by the local canning far into man said the speed was the supersonic range. Combs said one book pictures Russia as happy, well-fed and a and com-Madcra and Merced counties are the child's brain without harming charging for commercial use of pany in the city lines included in the local. Ihim seriously. I the citys sewage system cropped, city Mayor Miles Swanson said if the The Navy said the huge ram country of lush produce, while, nicknamed the "Flying Stovepipe, the United States text "portrays developed a thrust greater than pitiful agricultural conditions, ema-' combined horsepower of the larg dated farmers and conditions of est four-engine planes.

squalor irf cities. FENBEUl REPAIRING ANGELES 1000 LIGHT BLUE Twill Work LPasats Sanforized Vat Dyed High Quality s49 Waist Sizes 28-29 30 -31 32 and 40 PETERSEN'S MENS WEAR 301 W. Main Visalia up at the city council meeting cjty continued to foot the bill for FOR BETTER DRY CLEANING AUTO PAINTING VT1 Mak Your Car Like New LICENSE0 iimLiuMaj For Only 50c VALUES to $2.15 Short and long sleeved POLO SHIRTS Knit longie PLAY PANTS Eton KNIT SHORTS lined leather MITTENS Many Other Items For Only $1.00 VALUES TO 3.95 Flannel SHIRTS Two-tone WATER-REPELLANT JACKETS Mens POLO SHIRTS (White and blue) Sleeveless, Slipover and coat style SWEATERS, sizes 6 to 18 BATHROBES, sizes 10, 12 and 14. Jack Monday night ''hn George D. tbe dispoSal of the Visalia Canning Hook, manager of the isalia Can- companys sewage they would be ning Company, appeared to voice literally "subsidizing the canning his company objections.

coirmanv Hook said it would cost the Vi- Tp 5 salia Canning company between was ut to Hook that $15 and $17 a day for sewer serv- commercial users of the citys sew-ices now received by them at no ae aysem dump nearly twice as special charge much sewage into the lines as do domestic users. Hook voiced objections to the large made for a years time. Under the provisions of the charge system plants are credited with 20,000 gallons a day for 360 days. Charges are made for effluent in tut lTTTqTYrvvc Davis Pontiac CLEANER 520 E. Main St.

Ph. 194 W. F. "Bill" Achtcrberg PONTIAC GARAGE NO. 2 701 E.

Main SL Phone 2S3-J TOWING Day and Night BOY'S SHOP STAR CLEANERS City Hall Block ROSS FLEMING Phone 1734 114 N. Court til they have examined Hooks fig-excess of this figure at the rate of ures on the amount of per million gallons..

Visalia Times-Delta from Visalia, California (2024)
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